naa's status on Saturday, 17-Sep-11 17:19:43 UTC

  1. Posting once again without refreshing. @rotation did offer to stay with me until 9pm, which I REALLY appreciated, but my mum gave me a call after she saw a tweet I posted on the matter and suggested I head for the station and see if I could change my ticket. We got there and I was able to catch an earlier train, but sadly I had to pay 30 quid to change it x.x My folks have offered to pay half though ^^ But yeah ,many thanks to Rotation for organising it, spending money on the ponies and giving me the best meet up I've ever been to! Bronies make for much better company than furs IMO. I can't wait to meet you all again, particularly @ceruleanspark @pawnheart and several others whose RDN names I don't know as of yet, sadly. !midlandsbronies

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 17:19:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid