adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Sunday, 17-Dec-17 20:44:16 UTC

  1. @scribus It's mostly harmless. It has major flaws and lots of minor ones. It was a tad better than The Force Awakens. I can say that I was entertained. It is a popcorn flick and major expectations are misplaced here. A few of my friends were devastated and said it was worse than the prequels. I can't share that notion but I can understand that in a way. I thought TFA was disappointing and my friends thought it was fantastic. Tastes are weird. Watch it when the movie theater shows for a cheaper price or when it comes on BluRay or DVD and watch it with friends (or different sources, nudge nudge).

    Sunday, 17-Dec-17 20:44:16 UTC from web in context