Pokebis (ponybis)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:19:19 UTC

  1. @purpletinker I know you don't visit !irchighway very much, but I know that some of the members there were very displeased as /co/ and /v/ were posting images from their meetups on 4chan and making imagemacros, making fun of them, etc. If KYM is there they'll undoubtedly do some form of mass coverage (as well as use this as a marketing opportunity towards YOU GUYS, if they aren't there with merchandise I will be surprised) and the images will go onto 4chan and it will soon turn into personal attacks towards certain bronies. I've seen images of the past NY meetups and I'm going to be honest and say you aren't really the prettiest people in the world, but I don't really want to attack anybody based on that. But 4chan? 4chan will. And you'll see it. Realllly fast.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:19:19 UTC from web in context