Alcoholic Beast (drinkingpony)'s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-19 09:49:17 UTC

  1. @tiff The diabetes comment is rather simple. If you want to put people down in the history books because they had a hard life because their self-termination statistics are too high then too must we apply this to people who have crippling diabetes but choose to continue to walk the path of the fast food. Which is the wrong way to approach getting into the history books.

    If you have a problem and can not handle it alone, seek out help. There are more than enough ways means and places to find it.

    All those people who died because they told themselves that they were too proud to seek out help, it breaks my heart.

    "But you do not take your own life because you are trans" ofcourse not, but there are way too many people who start to walk the walk unprepared and find themselves in between a rock and a hard place eventually where suicide starts to seem like an acceptable step. That goes for both trans people and diabetic people whom eat themselves to death, they need help.

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 09:49:17 UTC from web in context