adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Friday, 01-Nov-24 20:28:04 UTC

  1. @scribus There are some clever alterations, and some character backgrounds got streamlined and more fleshed-out, which I can appreciate, as well a character that got only mentioned in the games and is somewhat integral to the story has more of a spotlight. For me it's a problem that given what we got in the live-action series is vastly different in the core of all.In the game Haruka is Yumi's daughter. Kiryu was in love with Yumi but she died in the end. There is a huge portion with Kiryu bonding with Haruka and then adopting her in the end because Haruka is a constant reminder of that lost love and her being the daughter he could never have with Yumi. This aspect is completely missing as Yumi is alive and Haruka's mother is Yumi's sister. I can glance over some things like Kiryu emoting heavily and him not being an ordinrary money-collecting Yakuza. It makes me want to watch the adaption from 2007.

    about a month ago from web in context