delete_ (remove)'s status on Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:06:43 UTC

  1. @scribus I think it depends on the person? I mean in my case, I just plain haven't kept up with much of fanon because I find it easier to enjoy the show for what it is if I don't take in a ton of outside things to set up expectations to be knocked down. With clopfics, any fanon they try to craft would turn out implausible for inclusion in the show, regardless of if it made sense for the characters or not. So I'm fine with those. And I'm totally fine with episode fics that leave the characters static while fleshing out their backgrounds or potentials a bit more. That is. A fic exploring AJ's cooking abilities can be amusing to me because we already know she can cook. So much was shown in the show. But if in the same fic, they said that she can cook *only* apple dishes. it would be weird, as it'd be setting up character definition. Since I read very very few fics, don't look at a whole lot of fanart, and don't watch very many videos other than episodes, a lot of it passes me by.

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:06:43 UTC from web in context