

  1. Are folks really as bent out of shape about the death of fanon as they seem, or is this largely playful faux-rage? I mean, really. . .

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:46:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @scribus People are genuinely mad and it's mangoesing delicious. I love it.

      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:47:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark is this concerning the toy accuracy and the new blind bags, or the whole sisterhooves social thing? cos as far as I can tell, sisterhooves social didnt realy upheave any fanon relationships it just added a few more.

        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:52:16 UTC from web
        1. @redback Both. People were butthurt Sisterhooves until they'd built their increasingly retarded family trees to explain away the discrepancies.

          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:53:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark fanon is a harsh mistress.

            Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:53:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @quetzalcoatl Fanonymous doesn't forgive, but it usually forgets.

              Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:54:53 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark I honestly dont see why the family trees have to be so complicated or ridiculous. its pretty simple: Dinky AND Sparkler are both derpy's daughters, and Berry Punch has a little sister as well as a daughter. easy peasy.

            Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:57:15 UTC from web
            1. @redback no way dude not enough overanalysis.

              Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:57:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            2. @redback I honestly don't see why the family trees have to be so complicated or ridiculous. (INSERT COMPLICATED AND RIDICULOUS FAMILY TREE HERE).)

              Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:58:08 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin Derpy is everyone's mother and daughter due to a shorted out time differential from the time she reversed the polarity of the neutron flow in her muffin bag and accidentally the laws of time and sex. Then it becomes less of a tree and more of a mound of wood chips and paper pulp. tl;dr EVERYPONY EVER IS RELATED TO ADOBE. WHICH YOU WON'T FIND IN NAIROBI. fanon fixed.

                Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:01:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @quetzalcoatl 'The Laws of Time and Sex'... isn't that a Prince album?

                  Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:02:35 UTC from web
                  1. @punbot is it purple?

                    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:03:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @quetzalcoatl Its the one with the song with the drum machine on it... y'know, the one about sex.

                      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:05:50 UTC from web
                      1. @punbot that narrows it down.

                        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:06:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                2. @quetzalcoatl that makes sense

                  Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:03:10 UTC from web
                3. @quetzalcoatl All the Ditzy Doos are failed attempts by Celestia to make another Pinkie Pie.

                  Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:05:17 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin of course. Celestia is confirmed as god in Sisterhooves Social.

                    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:06:09 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @quetzalcoatl She was confirmed as god in Bridle Gossip. AJ says "Thank Celestia!" there.

                      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:07:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @ceruleanspark good ear.

                        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:08:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      2. @ceruleanspark No wonder Luna went mental.

                        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:08:35 UTC from web
                        1. @punbot Nightmare Clegg

                          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:08:59 UTC from web
            3. @redback Have you heard of occams razor?

              Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:58:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Occam if they can't take a joke.

                Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:58:43 UTC from web
              2. @ceruleanspark you mean "the simplest explanation is usually the most likely"?

                Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:59:41 UTC from web
                1. @redback Yeah.

                  Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:00:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark well there ya go. my point is further proven

                    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:01:20 UTC from web
                    1. @redback

                      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:02:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @scribus I'm not remotely angry. I've adopted so little of the fanon because I prefer to go against the grain. I just like laughing at the folks who take it too seriously.

      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:48:27 UTC from web
    3. @scribus what are you talking about ?

      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 16:50:29 UTC from web
    4. @scribus I think it depends on the person? I mean in my case, I just plain haven't kept up with much of fanon because I find it easier to enjoy the show for what it is if I don't take in a ton of outside things to set up expectations to be knocked down. With clopfics, any fanon they try to craft would turn out implausible for inclusion in the show, regardless of if it made sense for the characters or not. So I'm fine with those. And I'm totally fine with episode fics that leave the characters static while fleshing out their backgrounds or potentials a bit more. That is. A fic exploring AJ's cooking abilities can be amusing to me because we already know she can cook. So much was shown in the show. But if in the same fic, they said that she can cook *only* apple dishes. it would be weird, as it'd be setting up character definition. Since I read very very few fics, don't look at a whole lot of fanart, and don't watch very many videos other than episodes, a lot of it passes me by.

      Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:06:43 UTC from web
      1. @retl eww, clopfics? How can you read that garbage? They're so poorly written and almost always have plotholes in them.

        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:08:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @quetzalcoatl I READ THEM FOR THE PLOTHOLES

          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:10:54 UTC from web
          1. @punbot oh Celestia what have I done?

            Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:12:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        2. @quetzalcoatl Did you miss the # part of my profile? ;p And yeah, I read a few clopfics. Really, at this point there's only one author I'll make time for, though. Hotsauce.At the same time, he/she takes his/her time writing so updates aren't that common. Alternatively. Eww, ponies? How can you watch that garbage? They're so simplistic and almost always have bright colors in them.

          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:34:13 UTC from web
      2. @retl yeah, its an acquired taste. i mainly try to avoi the fanons that give big changes to the eel of the show, mostly just sticking with the fanons that add a little more personality and life to the background of the show- things like derpy and dinky, lyra and bonbon, berry punch, etc. just the background characters that have been given personalities. gives the show a sort of "expanded univese" feel to it. but i agree, i dont really like the kinds of fanons or fics that end with big changes in the canon. im actualy trying to keep that in mind with my latest fic.

        Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:13:23 UTC from web
        1. @redback Even minor changes can have big implications. For example, assuming the idea of Spellsplipping is canon also kinda implies that a pony can fudge their way through a spell without having learned it necessarily. But assuming they need to know exact spells also leans towards being a kind of fanon. So usually, I just hoofwave it and say IT'S A PONY DOING MAGIC

          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:38:25 UTC from web
          1. @retl Yep, just go with the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid

            Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 17:41:35 UTC from web