Klay King (klayking)'s status on Monday, 09-Jan-12 07:18:02 UTC

  1. !yorkshirebronies Hah, previous post was bang on the character limit! Anyway, the important things I need to know are: Who can make it on the 28th Jan from 11:00am? Where do we want to go for lunch? Who wants T-shirts? T-shirts are £15.50 each if 2 to 10 are ordered, £13.50 if 11 to 20 are ordered. I expect we'd be looking at the 2 to 10 deal if there is interest. Tshirt print told me in an email that we can have multiple designs in one order, so bring your graphics in on a memory stick and they can make them all as one order. After the ponyhunt, what should we do? Need activity suggestions! Again, having an idea of how many people want to attend is helpful!

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 07:18:02 UTC from web in context