Anna Wright's home timeline


  1. I think captchas will evolve in the next few years using A.I.-generated images. I expect that there is a prompt and the user has to decide which of the pictures were generated with that prompt.

    Monday, 12-Sep-22 06:43:02 UTC from web
  2. They think: "Why don't we store everything flat, use compound foreign keys, and make relations as cumbersome to find out and create views that are less helpful as they do rarely use JOIN and use a BAZILLION of WHERE clauses. WHO NEEDS READABILITY AND PERFORMANCE?

    Friday, 09-Sep-22 10:40:06 UTC from web
    • @adiwan JOINS are inexpensive, but when you need do trillions of them, they become an obstacle. This problem was why Amazon created DynamoDB

      Friday, 09-Sep-22 23:19:50 UTC in context
    • @oracle Well... It's not an environment with a ton of activity. A lot but not Amazon-a-lot. The database is an older Oracle installation because legacy software running needs exactly that old version. It stems from a time where entity frameworks were the rage and thus all objects were stored in a database. That same database is misused as a semi-persistent storage for message queues. In the recent past it was a few times as the culprit for some major downtime, as it is the biggest single point of failure without redundancy. I'm pretty soured by that.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-22 07:32:45 UTC in context
  3. What the hell this place still exists? Hi I'm a girl now and I'm in Seattle for a pony convention

    Saturday, 27-Aug-22 22:57:07 UTC from web
  4. Ah, I see the website I created still lives. Happy Birthday!

    Friday, 15-Apr-22 19:36:50 UTC from web
  5. But anyway, I guess... pick your battles?

    Saturday, 13-Nov-21 04:24:52 UTC from web
  6. I'm only going top give this tip once. Put a single frozen otter pop in a mug before beginning a single serve coffee brew. When it's done you can also use it to stir, rinse it off, put it back in the freezer. Your coffee is now at a perfect temperature for consumption.

    Tuesday, 14-Sep-21 16:24:40 UTC from web
  7. I summed up how much I cycled so far in the last 6 months, with the help of the Google Maps Timeline feature. I cycled about 120km. Due to some really annoying data entry of the streets and junctions, and the infrequent and inaccurate GPS sampling, not every trip was correctly recorded. Good for data protection but also bad for this application, so I had to guesstimate.

    Monday, 30-Aug-21 09:33:17 UTC from web
  8. Just had some keto cinnamon cereal for the first time. It tastes about as joyless as a retirement community.

    Sunday, 22-Aug-21 20:53:25 UTC from web
  9. If me not wearing a mask increases the likelihood of someone who choose not to get vaccinated to get COVID, I see that as a good thing. I'm sorry for the immunocompromised who get caught in the crossfire.

    Tuesday, 27-Jul-21 23:59:22 UTC from web
  10. They say one of the best way to make yourself miserable is to compare yourself to others. I get that, I get that, however, it also hold true that one of the best ways to make yourself happy is to do the same.

    Monday, 31-May-21 23:26:27 UTC from web
  11. Step 1: Create an open source library
    Step 2: Wait until the library is used in a bunch of projects
    Step 3: Update library to include telematics
    Step 4: Change the license to require for-profit companies to pay a royalty

    Saturday, 22-May-21 00:18:15 UTC from web
    • App / Website Idea

      A friend finder???

      Step 1: Log in with Google, Facebook or Apple.
      Step 2: Select your privacy settings.
      Step 3: Add your personality defining likes. Interests, hobbies, ect.
      Step 4: Add things you explicitly don't like to do or talk about.
      Step 5: Get a list of people sorted by how a like they are to you and how close they are to you.

      Friday, 07-May-21 23:43:27 UTC from web
    • Buying a new car, even a cheaper new car, is still a huge thing to put money into. That huge purchase makes all the little things look insignificant. "4€ for a bread, it's nothing, doesn't cost as much a car."

      Thursday, 25-Mar-21 08:42:25 UTC from web
    • (Working in tech) Inside you are two wolves, one moves fast and breaks things, the other moves slow and break things. ... look at me, listen to me, you need to stop breaking things.

      Wednesday, 20-Jan-21 02:26:31 UTC from web
      • Hey guys, if anyone wants to make a quick buck, the gold prices are likely to increase to by about 100$ an ounce in the next week due to the recent QE / Defense Budget

        Thursday, 31-Dec-20 23:54:06 UTC from web
      • "Making a title sound more impressive is a way of paying someone with something other than money." -Jonathan Blow

        Friday, 18-Dec-20 06:35:51 UTC from web
      • A lot of brainwashed right-wingers spouting conspiracy theories about YouTube going down. Wow. Americans are a diffrent breed of stupid

        Thursday, 12-Nov-20 03:40:22 UTC from web
      • Somewhere at Google, a DevOps engineer is mangoting his pants right now because YouTube's CDN went down. Glad I don't have that job!

        Thursday, 12-Nov-20 00:50:38 UTC from web
      • The court documents and proceedings from the Trump campaign in the swing states is ABSOLUTELY entertaining. If we have to deal with this until December 14th, I will not not be complaining.

        Monday, 09-Nov-20 17:12:24 UTC from web
        • Now I can’t wait for the entertainment of watching the Orange man kick and flail his way out of the White House in January.

          Saturday, 07-Nov-20 18:22:43 UTC from web
        • Welcome to the USA, where "counting all of the votes" is now considered by conservatives to be a radical idea.

          Wednesday, 04-Nov-20 22:48:09 UTC from web
        • Well it was early in the morning, I was tired, thought to myself, "I really hate myself, I'm going to upgrade the production servers from Ubuntu 18 to 20 LTS". Backups, who needs backups, I don't think the dependencies have changed in this version release.

          Wednesday, 28-Oct-20 22:17:33 UTC from web
        • I thought I was a patient person, but damn. I'm going crazy waiting for my model 3 delivery.

          Thursday, 29-Oct-20 20:02:35 UTC from web
          • Was anyone on here named Adam Hussein?

            Tuesday, 27-Oct-20 23:53:32 UTC from web
          • To bad I missed out on watching paint dry to catch the debate yesterday, I really missed out.

            Thursday, 01-Oct-20 01:08:07 UTC from web
          • This is the only time I will ever be able give sound financial advice, but I'll make it count. BUY GOLD

            Thursday, 20-Aug-20 01:33:52 UTC from web
            • I thought it was just a stupid fad, but boy was I wrong. Hard seltzer is amazing, I highly recommend trying it.

              Monday, 10-Aug-20 00:55:29 UTC from web
            • All that effort is for nought. As I have woken up the temperature is as it was before.

              Sunday, 09-Aug-20 07:40:13 UTC from web
            • So, no. I do not have goddamned nginx figured out, and no, the Pleroma 2.0 launch has not made this any less goddamned infuriating.

              Sunday, 15-Mar-20 04:19:48 UTC from web
            • I find it way more amusing than I probably should that there's a Homestar*Runner reference in the Node.js documentation.

              Thursday, 09-Apr-20 23:26:59 UTC from web