papillonrose subscriptions

These are the people whose notices papillonrose listens to.

  • Josh Pittman colossal Josh Pittman McDonough, GA

    30yo environmental engineer with a pony habit. Other than ponies, I'm into sci-fi, horror (particularly cheesy, slasher-type stuff), videogames, and music (metal and electronica). I also like to read. A lot.

  • happysnail happysnail Formerly Atlanta, now Cartersville, GA

    oh hai there!

  • Eddie O'Rourke floofyhoof Eddie O'Rourke Norcross, Ga

    Just another Brony addicted to the rainbow crack cocaine that is FiM. Lover of pony literature, admirer of pony art, and viewer of pony videos.

  • Atlanta area Bronies atlantabronies Atlanta area Bronies Greater Atlanta area

    News, gossip, and general banter concerning Bronies in and around Atlanta Georgia

  • Administrator Pony administrator Administrator Pony

    I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken.