Notices by Princess Luna (princessluna), page 2

  1. @sugar Here's a pony generator. Give this a shot to see if you can come up with something you like.

    Thursday, 14-Apr-11 00:18:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  2. @chjees !vgp For me, it would have to be "The Boy Aims for Wild Fields from the Secret of Mana Soundtrack. Oh the places I traveled to chase dreams.... and all of the came true. =3

    Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 12:25:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  3. @fightingfire Here, watch this. Then she'll be IN your head. :D

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:43:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  4. Well, time for this pony to head to bed... er, I mean tend to the moon! Don't want that bad boy crashing into the planet....

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:33:55 UTC from web in context
  5. Here's a quick visual tutorial on how to use the RainbowDash Network in TweetDeck.

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 15:03:42 UTC from web