justin brownell's home timeline


  1. Third best thing is applejack's s4 episode on how faith is dangerous

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 07:04:49 UTC from web
  2. Second best thing from generation ponies is a tie between Iron Will and all Scootaloo episodes

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 06:59:57 UTC from web
  3. So far i just gotta say, the best thing to come out of gen4 ponies, hooves down, is EQG

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 06:40:19 UTC from web
  4. I am not a shipper...

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 06:41:17 UTC from web
  5. Inb4 torches and pitchforks

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 06:40:43 UTC from web
    • @ellie Maybe instead I'll become RDN's Yeezus

      Thursday, 24-Jul-14 08:14:25 UTC from web
    • Best year to be a weird al fan

      Thursday, 24-Jul-14 05:34:01 UTC from web
    • He gives us a great FiM performance then releases one of his most popular albums

      Thursday, 24-Jul-14 05:34:41 UTC from web
    • Anyone stop to think "wow FIM is so successful it's on its fifth season and second film, with a ccg and a larger toy line than the rest of the franchise's combined history.. Ohyeah and FIM has been dubbed and airs in dozens of languages worldwide."

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 22:13:24 UTC from web
    • Morning in RDN shimmers
      Morning in RDN shines
      And I know for absolute certain
      That Trixie is certainly mine!!

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 10:27:37 UTC from web
    • ... fixed http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/770507

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 08:11:19 UTC from web
    • I don't get the joke... http://rainbowdash.net/url/770502

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 07:24:58 UTC from web
    • I just want some cool games to come out

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 06:36:28 UTC from web
    • So. Ive been slowly dying because i work with someone who believes that a) everything including rocks has or is governed by spirits, b) that vaccines cause autism (psst they dont), c) something something big pharma conspiracy, and d) a bunch of spoonfed bull about organic food and gmo's. So Ive been miserable with the amount of confirmation bias and ignorance ive had to put up with. Oh yeah and he's into metaphysics and backhanded compliments

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 06:31:10 UTC from web
      • Show all 9 replies
      • @princelypublictimeline Ohm and don't show any anger, I have met people who use me for there own laughs, taking a character that is most likely to bananas me off and using it to anger me.

        Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 06:54:57 UTC in context
      • @northernnarwhal i actually yelled at him one day to stop telling his stepdaughter about the vaccine stuff (she has aspergers) because she's smart enough to know better but she just kind of goes along with whatever he says because of his rhetoric. I was like "you need to stop telling her it's one way when you dont even have all the facts, you dont even know what it's like being in her shoes so I think she deserves a peace of mind that comes from the truth and not your idea of how the world works." Then i added "oh and stop telling your friends that god puts the mentally handicapped on earth to test normal people, she wouldnt appreciate hearing that and neither do i because im not here to serve your headcanon"

        Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 07:09:50 UTC in context
      • @princelypublictimeline Damn, he got served by you. Yeah, he can believe all the bullcherries he wants but should get family or coworkers involved in that garbage.

        Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 07:12:21 UTC in context

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 06:17:43 UTC from web
    • people should talk to me on skype too. Or not

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:31:57 UTC from web
    • Minti i havent seen you in furevur but you prolly dont remember me so i wont bother you lol

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:42:41 UTC from web
    • Man. I wish I was more i to cosplay during high school. Seniors get to dress up for Halloween, so I wouldve gone around as something cooler than what I ended up doing

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 01:51:08 UTC from web
    • Yo

      Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 08:25:29 UTC from web
      • Applejack X Pinkie Pie. *runs*

        Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 03:59:51 UTC from web
      • So Tamaki cosplay happened. Im also on youtube. But I was sick the day of, so my acting prolly sucks XD

        Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 03:52:33 UTC from web
        • Reposting this link because im hoping people check it out.. my cosplay page. Rainbow dash cosplay coming this year https://m.facebook.com/captainhyperbole

          Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 00:43:46 UTC from web
        • @ellie that's still 1/4 of the price of a Pizza Hut pizza here though.

          Monday, 21-Jul-14 19:31:31 UTC from web
        • This chick threatens to defeat me with the art of kung fu. So i threatened to make het fall for me as I am aaster in the art of wai fu.

          Monday, 21-Jul-14 19:34:03 UTC from web
        • alright bedtime

          Monday, 21-Jul-14 06:37:40 UTC from web
        • Pokeattack of the day: Hydro Hump

          Monday, 21-Jul-14 06:16:18 UTC from web
        • I wonder if Im nice enough the guys will promote my dash with my link

          Monday, 21-Jul-14 06:08:25 UTC from web
          • oh papayas GUYS I have a facebook cosplay page. please like, then share, because I'm awesome. https://www.facebook.com/captainhyperbole

            Monday, 21-Jul-14 05:56:27 UTC from web
          • Im losing my hair and nowadays cosplay standards are so high its like if youre not celebrity beautiful youre worthless and invisible

            Monday, 21-Jul-14 06:07:25 UTC from web
            • so Ive been watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Attack on Titan.

              Monday, 21-Jul-14 05:43:11 UTC from web