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  1. !calgarybronies

    Sunday, 27-Jan-13 05:43:45 UTC from web
    • !calgarybronies New blog post by me this time!

      Thursday, 10-Jan-13 09:05:35 UTC from web
      • !calgary I'm gonna be late to the meetup this weekend due to work. I'll try to make it on time next time.

        Thursday, 10-Jan-13 00:03:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • !calgarybronies the fact there was no ep this week is cringeworthey. i hope everyones new years and x-mas was good!

          Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 00:38:49 UTC from web
        • !calgarybronies Yo! Does anypony know of any cool bars/pubs/nightlubs in Calgary. I like Fire & Ice, it's my little bro's 18th soon and I want to take him somewhere cool. He likes dubstep, if that's any help.

          Monday, 31-Dec-12 16:02:17 UTC from web
          • !calgarybronies

            Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 05:35:47 UTC from web
            • !calgarybronies Taking in Aurora and hitting up the meetup tonight. Aka anypony needing a ride or looking to chill let me know.

              Saturday, 15-Dec-12 18:21:15 UTC from web
              • !calgarybronies I'm not going to be at the meetup tomorrow so anyone who usually gets a ride from me is going to have to make other arrangements. Anyone who's going to Otafest Aurora, have a good time.

                Saturday, 15-Dec-12 00:26:14 UTC from web
                • !calgarybronies !college FINALS!!! x_X

                  Saturday, 01-Dec-12 10:02:59 UTC from web
                  • !calgarybronies the UFOC bronies are doing another grand galloping gala on the 8th of dec.

                    Thursday, 29-Nov-12 23:03:00 UTC from web
                    • !Calgary you-know-what guys? there's a new episode tomorrow. how much does that rock!

                      Friday, 16-Nov-12 23:59:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • !calgary TWO DAYS!!!!! *squee!*

                      Friday, 09-Nov-12 00:26:15 UTC from web
                      • !calgary Holy cows, midterms & thenGISHWHES right on its heels? I am deader than dead tired. Got two MLP plushies and a glow in the dark Zecora tho, so yay!

                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 04:04:50 UTC from web
                        • @noir !calgary Sunday.

                          Friday, 02-Nov-12 21:20:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • !Calgary does anyone have Pokemon diamond I could. borrow for 10 minutes or so upcoming meetup night? I want to use it with dream radar.

                            Sunday, 28-Oct-12 05:26:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • !Calgary. you-know-what... its really hard to get someone to trade me a ralts with mean look. in Pokemon black/white 2

                            Saturday, 27-Oct-12 05:45:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • Show all 40 replies
                            • @darcyblue I actually don't have a Porygon at all, but I wanna fill up the unova entries first. >.> I heard that you actually get a reward for completing the entries. =P Oh, but believe me, you'll be of a lot of help. Especially since you're the only one among the group with the black version. Say... Did you happened to say anything to me through the mic? I think I may have muted the 3DS while trying to connect, so I'm sorry if I missed anything you said. ^^;

                              Sunday, 28-Oct-12 06:34:28 UTC in context
                            • @teriyaki may have picked up my non sense ramblings. or my youtubes.

                              Sunday, 28-Oct-12 06:56:28 UTC in context
                            • @darcyblue Oh, ok. That is good then, I guess. <.< In any case, I'm certain that Ralts you now have won't disappoint you. I checked its potential, and while it's not as best as it can be, its IVs are above average (especially in the important stat). Nothing against Umbreon, but... Gallade is certainly much easier to level up than Umbreon, so it is a more practical choice to be using to capture pokemons. Gallade's higher attack stat will certainly come in handy too.

                              Sunday, 28-Oct-12 07:18:13 UTC in context
                          • !calgarybronies Hey, I've seen some M:TG players at the meetings before. I'm just wondering which playing format do the players here usually play in? ( Standard, Block Constructed, Extended, etc.)

                            Saturday, 20-Oct-12 15:05:42 UTC from web
                          • Is the usual meeting happening in !calgary tomorrow?

                            Saturday, 20-Oct-12 01:24:20 UTC from web
                          • !calgarybronies cards are here with shipping and handling and a 5% discount it comes to $72 a box il be bringing them to the meet up on saturday

                            Friday, 19-Oct-12 03:10:36 UTC from web
                          • !calgarybronies @pseudoartiste I'm up in Red Deer and can drive her down this meetup. You can grab my contact info off Darcy or Ika. @pumpkinwolfie If @thetundraterror hasn't gotten back to you by late Friday/early Saturday let me know as I pass thru aswell.

                            Thursday, 18-Oct-12 21:31:23 UTC from web
                          • So this one website that has 24 hour shirt deals has done something for the first time. Pony shirts. !calgary

                            Tuesday, 16-Oct-12 04:36:45 UTC from web
                            • @thetundraterror Hey. I feel terrible about spamming you with messages but I don't know if you get my messages or not. If you can give me a ride to the meet-up this weekend, that would be great.

                              Tuesday, 16-Oct-12 00:50:42 UTC from web
                            • !calgarybronies Does anyone know if there are any Brony meetings in the town of Red Deer? I have a friend who is new to the herd and she can't travel b/c no car or time. Thanks!

                              Friday, 12-Oct-12 22:23:51 UTC from web
                            • !calgary New post up on the blog concerning the halloween contest.

                              Friday, 12-Oct-12 07:15:56 UTC from web
                              • !Calgary good meeting, although I'll have to remember to drag a chair further from the speakers in the future. I couldn't believe people were asking for it to be louder! Maybe I should find a set of speaker extension cables so we can just spread the speakers out further or something...

                                Sunday, 07-Oct-12 04:41:13 UTC from web
                              • !calgarybronies Is there a brony who drives threw or from Airdrie to the meet ups?

                                Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:27:16 UTC from web
                              • !calgarybronies Happy Thanksgiving y'all! LET THE FOODENING COMMENCE!

                                Sunday, 07-Oct-12 04:01:18 UTC from web
                              • !calgarybronies Guess whose hair is teal?! THIS PONY BIYATCH!!! Sorry, I am excited, havent done a punky colour since I was 15.

                                Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:43:27 UTC from web
                              • !calgarybronies well ponys thoes cards are about to ship they wernt to happy about me ordering 15 boxes but they will just have to deal with it il be getting the quote soon so start saving ur pennies cuz thel bee her soon!

                                Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 22:56:19 UTC from web
                                • !calgary Here is my latest drawing that I drew three weeks ago and only just got around to scanning and which most of you have already seen.

                                  Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 22:42:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop