raritydarling groups

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  • Fluttershy Fan Group fluttershy Fluttershy Fan Group

    Group for fans of Fluttershy. Come and join...I mean, if you want to...

  • Surprise Group surprise Surprise Group Everywhere

    SURPRISE! You haven't expected that this group exists, or did you? This is the group for all who thinks that Surprise is the best pony. Let's celebrate this very special pony by surprising everyone you know. Surprise is a G1 pony that Lauren Faust used for her first design for Friendship is Magic. Additional Tags:

  • The Daring Do Official Fanclub daringdo The Daring Do Official Fanclub Wherever there's danger!

    A club for fans of that international mare of adventure, Daring Do!

  • Le Cider Ponies Club cider Le Cider Ponies Club

    Welcome to Le Cider Ponies Club, where we sit around all day and drink cider. Our cider is made with love and care from only the best harvests of Sweet Apple Acres. We REFUSE to drink that machine made stuff Flim and Flam call "cider".