Group actions
!surprise surprised surprising
SURPRISE! You haven't expected that this group exists, or did you? This is the group for all who thinks that Surprise is the best pony. Let's celebrate this very special pony by surprising everyone you know.
Surprise is a G1 pony that Lauren Faust used for her first design for Friendship is Magic.
Additional Tags:
Surprise Group (surprise) group
[b]More Toywiz 3-Pack Sets Available for Pre-Order[/b]: Toywiz has been posting pre-orders like crazy lately! Tonight they have posted three of the 3-pack pony sets for pre-order on the site which you can see above. Looks like they have quite a diverse set available for sale which you can find altogether on this page . I can't believe the show accurate toys are just around the corner. You know what to do guys, time to show s >
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 01:42:07 UTC from Calpain-
@pony I saw pvc3 in the link and all I could think of was, "PONY VS CAPCOM 3"
@communistprime hehe!
FiMFictions april fools joke got me, in ALL their stories they renamed fluttershy posey and pinkie pie surprise, their G1 names or something
Sunday, 01-Apr-12 05:22:42 UTC from web-
@minti @alargesmallhorse yep i was confused for a good few minutes then i saw the announcement.
@joker Posey, Surprise, Firefly, Sparkler, Applejack, and I can't remember.
@eaglehooves ponies pony ponies
Random fact. The Pinkie Pie blind bag, when under a blacklight, has the colour scheme of !surprise. Mind=blown when I figured this out. (At least mine did.)
Monday, 12-Mar-12 00:44:28 UTC from web -
Monday, 12-Mar-12 00:40:18 UTC from web
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 06:41:29 UTC from web
@mushi *fixes colours* XD
Friday, 24-Feb-12 23:54:48 UTC from web-
@minti <3 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
@princesshugs *another
@princesshugs Princess!
Thursday, 23-Feb-12 01:23:41 UTC from web
Really needs to get on here more.. Just realised @djmidli is hosting an !ottawabronies Laser Tag thing sometime either in Feb or March :O!
Friday, 10-Feb-12 20:21:41 UTC from web-
@minti !surprise ...
@minti Its a shame she's not in the show as Pinkie's cousin, or sister. She's so cute! ^.^
@cakewalk Ikr? xD
Sunday, 29-Jan-12 22:04:32 UTC from web
@chiefanchor Generation that shall not be named? don't you mean Generation 3?
@kabob34 G1 > G3 while the first one featured a very badass villain from the very 1st TV special.
Sunday, 29-Jan-12 03:52:32 UTC from web
@redenchilada :P
!surprise is best pony
Sunday, 29-Jan-12 02:14:27 UTC from web -
I started to use my nickname long before I discovered the show. I was !surprised when I saw the name of this pony for the first time and I liked her instantly. ^_^
Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 17:58:00 UTC from web -
!surprise pulls off a classic Roadrunner prank on Pinkie Pie. !art
Friday, 16-Dec-11 19:47:28 UTC from Choqok -
Impressive! !Surprise
Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 18:04:05 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Bluh? I was soooooooo anticipating it.
@carcino I've been busy. I'll add it to my list of things to do.
@thelastgherkin Roger roger.
Don't want to get up, yet. Had a tear or two. Realizing that I have options to make say an artificial Apple Bloom a reality, but the lifetime and effort involved would grind most of my other lifegoals into dust.
@drewdle I think moonprincess was talking about removing some spam groups. Cabal also wanted a purge of useless groups. (And yet, !selectivemoderation is still there.)
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:38:06 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@nerthos Oh... I can't do it, anyway. I AM TOO EGOTISTIC TO DELETE GROUPS ABOUT MYSELF.
@redenchilada That's the spirit! now @redenchilada is best mod :D (Now to wait for !selectivemoderation from @colfax or any other mod)
@redenchilada !redenchiladacantdeletehisowngroups
Also Ribbon is best G1 Poney
Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 20:49:12 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark is there a g4 style pic of her?
@ceruleanspark Ok... Apparently the color quality was pretty lousy in the one thumbnail I based my last dash on. That's an almost perfect match. (Although, I could have done with a timestamp, I don't think I needed to see the whole thing)
@eaglehooves You didn't NEED to witness the unending horror, no. But I certainly wanted you to.
@shalabajza The counterpart to !surprise I guess. Pretty sure it's something from G1 that got tweaked for G4.
Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 18:27:46 UTC from web-
@eaglehooves Well, I guess that's true. My life is pretty random too. Which is totally fun, because random usually = awesome. 8D
@ponydude2143 Yea. It all kinda 'clicked' when I found that again. Apparently I didn't pay much attention to Fluttershy or Posey the first time.
@eaglehooves The picture they used for G1 AJ is extremely relevant.
!surprise party !art
Saturday, 29-Oct-11 12:56:03 UTC from Choqok-
@fallinwinter Aw shucks, I missed a perfectly good CSI MIAMI moment.
@fallinwinter But it's always fun!
@broniebrown Indeed. She should set up a timer and throw a surprise surprise party that's so secret that even she won't know when it'll be thrown since it'll depend on when the timer goes off.
My !surprise !art is done!
Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:06:53 UTC from Choqok- Barton Flank likes this.
@cptscootaloo Ahh right!! Eeyup, its late.
@retl How !surprising
@cptscootaloo @broniebrown Yes, it is. XD
Did everypony see the new release of desktop ponies? I'm not sure exactly when 1.35 came out, but !surprise!
Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:04:50 UTC from web-
@eaglehooves Oh man, you have to tell me how she reacts. xD
@rainbowrevolver I'm working on getting my software to work to record it. Stupid freeware died on me the last two times.
@eaglehooves Awwww that sucks :c I hope you can get it to work.
@rotation @jinny Ah, it's mostly over with now. Just Grandfather passed away at the same time as I started to feel down last month, quite obvious it was just the miss of him. But I wouldn't worry about it now, things SEEM to be picking up.
Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:36:07 UTC from web-
@madflavors Why are you implying I would let anypony know about the surprises? Then it wouldn't be a !surprise!
@mrdragon Good, good. And really, be ready for /anything/.
@flaxx true enough.
Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 12:19:43 UTC from Choqok
The guy from ask !Surprise is streaming right now
Monday, 03-Oct-11 19:44:12 UTC from Choqok -
There is a !Surprise group? Why haven't I heard of this before?
Monday, 03-Oct-11 19:00:35 UTC from web-
@flaxx It was a surprise.
@flaxx Isn't it quite !surprising ?
@broniebrown Yes, it sure was a !surprise!
Mini avatar update.
Monday, 03-Oct-11 18:52:37 UTC from Choqok-
@broniebrown !Surprise! :D
@cinnabarsprings Dumb-Bell Surprise Alfalfa Monster
Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:59:02 UTC from web
@princessrotation Ecstatic, girlfriend!
@princessrotation a ha, another princess! excellent!
@princessrotation Do you like braids? I can do braids.
There's a text message in my drafts box to @rotation, and all it says is "I."
Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:08:18 UTC from web -
No one expects a !surprise
Sunday, 25-Sep-11 17:06:44 UTC from Choqok-
@colfax It makes perfect sense!
@broniebrown Oddly enough I do that from time to time.
@broniebrown !surprise is best pony <'3
!surprise I created a group!
Sunday, 25-Sep-11 16:48:55 UTC from Choqok