Nathan Rux's home timeline


  1. @applederp !mnbronies Anime Detour is an anime convention that takes place in Bloomington, early in April. Convergence is another con in the same hotel, but it's a multi-subject con with more of a Sci-fi spin. I've seen plenty of people with pony inspired costumes, and merchandise at both cons before.

    Monday, 10-Jun-13 12:36:47 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies You know you guys should really stop using this and get on the Facebook one. This group was just where we started and is pretty dead except a few of you.

      Sunday, 09-Jun-13 19:45:08 UTC from web
      • !mnbronies How was the meetup today?

        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:02 UTC from web
        • @applederp !mnbronies Awesome! I got a few more friends interested after Anime Detour this year. They hadn't watched any, but they started to get curious about the show after seeing all the cosplayers there.

          Thursday, 06-Jun-13 23:37:38 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies I showed my friend the video "ballad of the brony". Now he's watching the first season of MLP. Awesome.

          Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:47:49 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies I work on Saturdays, most of the time. Is anyone here planning on going to Convergence? I'll be going to that con, at least. It's a neat Sci-fi con, and it's local.

            Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 09:32:01 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies I know it is only Monday, but who is looking forward to the meetup this weekend? Seems like I might actually get to go. I shall know more later in the week but it is looking good.

              Tuesday, 04-Jun-13 02:10:18 UTC from web
              • @vt3c !mnbronies haha, sounds awesome.

                Sunday, 02-Jun-13 14:27:08 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies What do you guys plan on doing this weekend since it is a holiday weekend? I'm just staying at home and playing video games since I have no reason to leave...

                Thursday, 23-May-13 23:31:41 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies I'm planning on playing some video games, and working on some art.

                Tuesday, 28-May-13 00:19:14 UTC from web
                • Hello! Whats going on in here?

                  Wednesday, 22-May-13 04:04:51 UTC from web
                • @russianbronymn !mnbronies If they were truly your best friends then they wouldnt shun you for being a brony, and dont worry you have plenty of chances to make new friends, you have a whole life to live.

                  Thursday, 16-May-13 03:53:41 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies Just got my name in for my first plush commission. I guess in a month or so I shall finally have a Scootaloo plush!

                  Thursday, 16-May-13 23:04:19 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies I've been lurking around on occasion, and I've gone to a few anime cons in the area, but I haven't actually gone to any of these meetups yet. When are they?

                  Wednesday, 15-May-13 14:27:57 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies

                    Sunday, 12-May-13 21:52:25 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies Sounds like the meetup went well. Sucks my mom had to work so I didn't have a car but I ended up going out to watch Ironman 3 with my sisters and we took my mom out for dinner this afternoon for Mother's Day a day early. Hopefully I can make the meetup in June.

                    Sunday, 12-May-13 05:19:35 UTC from web
                  • @vt3c !mnbronies You're mistaken. She comes in August. Really you shouldn't see a picture and assume it means out right now.

                    Thursday, 09-May-13 12:28:08 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies It would be fun to finally go to a meetup but I doubt I will be able to go again since I don't have my own working car and my mom will probably be working on Saturday so I wouldn't be able to take hers. One day...

                    Monday, 06-May-13 13:43:25 UTC from web
                    • The Power Glove - it's so bad!

                      Monday, 06-May-13 04:35:03 UTC from web
                    • @vt3c !mnbronies Cool! How old is your sister?

                      Sunday, 05-May-13 16:43:58 UTC from web
                    • @russianbronymn !midwestbronies Yes, but currently attending collage in SD

                      Thursday, 02-May-13 12:24:54 UTC from web
                    • @vt3c Here is a better picture.

                      Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:48:16 UTC from web
                    • Rand: Ah. All I had to do was become the most powerful warlord on Earth to get a woman to stop nagging me.

                      Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:26:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    • @snowlynx Tests you don't have to care about are fun. I also drew a slice of pizza for an answer and, on three separate occasions, answered questions with complaints about how the guy behind me kept resting his feet on my chair.

                      Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:38:11 UTC from web
                    • yay and why am i your hero and what is lemongrab

                      Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:57:01 UTC from web
                    • Mmmm. Apple cider.

                      Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:55:04 UTC from web
                    • Ping statistics for XXXXXXXX: Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 84, Lost = 16 (16% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 109ms, Average = 53ms

                      Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:38:25 UTC from web
                    • I wish I had a healthy snake, I'm in the mood for an apple

                      Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:46:58 UTC from web
                    • I just remembered that I have the soundtrack to like 3 sonic games and I don't even like Sanic

                      Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:32:22 UTC from web
                    • Anything interesting being talked about?

                      Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 04:28:49 UTC from web