Notices by Dashie Markers (sarcasticbrony), page 5

  1. This silence is creepy.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:37:45 UTC from web
  2. @scoot xD

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:36:46 UTC from web in context
  3. @scoot Well, if you walk up to some one and start yelling in japanese, its a little freaky

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:36:11 UTC from web in context
  4. @scoot I would have picked learn japanese to freak people out.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:34:51 UTC from web in context
  5. Nothing i'm wearing isn't red white and blue.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:30:35 UTC from web
  6. So I'm at the theater and i hand my tickets to the guy, I'm wearing my hat with the man 6 on it, and he said "that'll be 2 bits please?" I kinda froze up cause i had no idea if he meant 25 cents or he was referencing. "she doesn't get it" my granny says. "she knows what I'm talking about" he replies. As we walk down to the theater he said yay in flutter shys voice. I burst out laughing. My granny (who thinks i'm an idoit) explains the joke about the 2 bits and 25 cents thing, I explained that bits were money in "the pony world" and i was kinda freaking out inside about that guy.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 13:26:54 UTC from web
  7. # Its been weeks since Ditzy had been stranded. She looked down at the only 5 items that had survived the wreck. A fishing rod, a water filter, rations, a flare gun and of course her favorite possession, bubbles. She was staring to starve, and the rations were running low. She had no bait, so there was no point to the fishing rod, and she spilled her bubbles in the fine dry sand. She held up the flare gun to her head, but then turned towards the sky and shot the ine flare she had and screamed help as load as she could. She dug in the dirt for something to fish with. "Sand, shells, clam will have to do" She spoke to herself. As she was about to hook it on the pole, a boat came bye. "HELP!!!! PLEASE!!! HHEEELLLPP MMEEEE!!" She pleaded. THe boat turned towards the island, she grabbed her items and swam to meet them halfway. A colt helped her in, and she made it back home to her family.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 12:35:33 UTC from web
  8. I gotta go again. See ya round.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:29:06 UTC from web in context
  9. @vintagebrony ur welcome :D

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:27:33 UTC from web in context
  10. @vintagebrony yeah, I imagine lots have typed it in and was like "WHAT!"

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:26:36 UTC from web in context
  11. @vintagebrony is a cool name

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:25:55 UTC from web in context
  12. @vintagebrony thanks! Not as kewl as your though!

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:25:18 UTC from web in context
  13. @nutterguy IKR... weird...

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:24:19 UTC from web in context
  14. @vintagebrony I get that alot

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:22:28 UTC from web in context
  15. @vintagebrony it.... is...

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:20:05 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:14:02 UTC from web
  17. @ceruleanspark ok i will

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:13:28 UTC from web in context
  18. Bye ya poops

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:11:26 UTC from web
  19. Any1 like # ?

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:09:20 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:08:32 UTC from web
  21. @pony ehhhhh THATS SOME CREEPY mangoes!!!!

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:56:44 UTC from web in context
  22. @thelastgherkin Its good enough for the government.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:50:10 UTC from web in context
  23. @mastertid the exact definition of a hypocrite.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:49:54 UTC from web in context
  24. @sunsetshimmer yesh, its a horrible feeling...

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:48:16 UTC from web in context
  25. @thelastgherkin but yes, yes i have

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:47:20 UTC from web in context
  26. @thelastgherkin Ever get the feeling that what you just said is really something you should keep to yourself cause it makes you look like a psychopath? me too.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:46:22 UTC from web in context
  27. @mastertid Ok-aaay. thats kinda creepy...

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:43:59 UTC from web in context
  28. MareDoWell How creative is that name

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:42:59 UTC from web in context
  29. *is spinning is office chair* WHEEEEE!!!!!!

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:40:33 UTC from web
  30. @mastertid thats nice

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 15:37:10 UTC from web in context