Timeline for caffeine list by scribus

Scribus scribus caffeine Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 1
  1. @adiwan The way companies do that garbage, I don't even want to buy anything from anyone anymore. It should be considered theft, plain and simple - I had a tool that did X, and now it has been taken away against my will. If corporations were people, they'd be doing a B&E to take away my tools like that, and I would have a chance to kneecap them with a golf club.

    about 2 days ago from web in context
  2. My dad's neighborhood Ring network or whatever always has someone asking silly questions like "Why is a helicopter flying overhead?" and I keep suggesting answers like "Because if it went under you it would be tunneling."

    about 3 days ago from web
  3. @zeldatra Why can't you do something about that?

    about 3 days ago from web in context
  4. @adiwan So it's not just me who feels like GIMP is, well, gimpy

    about 5 days ago from web in context
  5. @nerthos Wouldn't have been our gnarliest presidential beard, though... Take that, Rutherford B Hayes, BOOM!!

    about 10 days ago from web in context
  6. @adiwan It's really pretty insane out here, exactly the worst case apocalypse we've been warned about every fire season for the last decade just about

    about 14 days ago from web in context
  7. Day dayday de'day day daayyyy

    about 19 days ago from web
  8. I just need enough computer to get a computer computing again, have a 10 pack of PC buzzers coming today because it was the cheapest next day delivery option, gonna get my desktop figured out for real today

    about 19 days ago from web
  9. @nerthos And I super don't want to take apart a MacBook, lol, I will never get it back together again. I totally know you're right, but a 10+year old laptop with no-doubt irritating construction just felt more like a spray isopropyl situation in the moment

    about 19 days ago from web in context
  10. @adiwan You had me at being someone whose tastes I've come to trust, endorsing something I've heard good stuff about already, maybe I should finally get around to it

    about 20 days ago from web in context
  11. Or, maybe it'll give me just enough to activate the warranty on my desktop mainboard and I can get that ball rolling at last, who knows

    about 20 days ago from web
  12. @nerthos Anyway, if it gives me time, I spilled wine a couple weeks back and did my best to dry it out. It was working OK, especially because I use an external keyboard anyway, but it's been hanging up on multitasks so I was thinking maybe a fan was gummed up. Got some solvents and spray air duster, gave it a shot; think I temporarily shorted up the power switch so it was confused but maybe (hopefully) it dried out and will be all fine onward.

    about 20 days ago from web in context
  13. Oh hell maybe it's alive after all??

    about 20 days ago from web
  14. And so tonight my laptop dies because God just seems to want me to kill myself or something idk we

    about 21 days ago from web in context
  15. @adiwan It sucks, man. Godspeed.

    about 22 days ago from web in context
  16. @nerthos I'll take a second Year of Luigi, lol

    about 23 days ago from web in context
  17. @adiwan Unless you aim for full minimalist, there really has been a lot of UI bloat of late

    about a month ago from web in context
  18. (I am however presently quite drunk)

    about a month ago from web
  19. Might finally be getting my Tron "I fight for the Users" wrist tattoo tomorrow maybe

    about a month ago from web
  20. Enjoyed and recommend "War of the Rohirrim," though it was maybe paced more like bingeing a miniseries than watching a movie

    about a month ago from web
  21. @zeldatra Well it's also got Bob Newhart, so

    about a month ago from web in context
  22. @zeldatra It was really, really likeable!

    about a month ago from web in context
  23. Think I might see the new Sonic later today

    about a month ago from web in context
  24. It was called clopping, dad... and everypony did it...

    about 5 months ago from web in context Repeated by scribus
  25. @zeldatra Isn't Ichiban Japanese for "number one" tho?

    about a month ago from web in context
  26. Is rhynopoxy the glue they use for nose jobs?

    about 2 months ago from web
  27. Also because I spilled wine all over my laptop last night. It's working, I dried it out OK and cleaned the best I could, but the keyboard is a little bit . . . crispy, now.

    about 2 months ago from web
  28. @zeldatra That looks like a fun one, I really need to get my desktop fixed (again)

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  29. Well... Got a cheap burner so I can lay my old Blackberry to rest

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  30. @zeldatra Such realism tho (/s(?))

    about 2 months ago from web in context