Timeline for scribusisnotarolemodel list by scribus
Either I have just made apple fritters, or I have wasted my last apple and egg lol
about 16 hours ago from web -
"We're looking into a fleet of drones, or a bunch of AI cameras. Lock the doors? What? No!" https://apnews.com/article/subway-surfing-nyc-deaths-tiktok-41a85ff57f1d2493a52679a9fc6fd367
about 2 days ago from web -
I know correlation is not causation, but the last asPotato Knishes in the office did not have a plane crash every single week under his administration
about 2 days ago from web -
Printer manufacturer C-suiters aren't actually human and do not fall under the protection of law imo
@zeldatra I dunno for how long before Colorado decides any massage is prostitution, though
@adiwan I'm always thinking of Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards," myself
So a little bird may have told me that the United Health offices in Irvine were vandalized, and the company is desperately trying to keep it on the DL
about 12 days ago from web -
@adiwan and/or helicopter!
I have now played DnD 5e, and also recruited some old friends to try out my Wizard Duel card game prototype
about 12 days ago from web -
@adiwan I've had a recurring issue with video editors where I cut down a large clip to the part I want, then apply some kind of speed change or reverse it or something, and suddenly the clip I'd made is a different portion of the original video. I guess I'm asking if this ever happened to you at all, and/or if this new one does it at all? lol
@adiwan An older code, but it checks out... Sounds like that will never prove a major security flaw!
@adiwan "I have no idea what a saw is, so I just use a hammer to smash trees into logs!"
Normal human thoughts like "Do my eyeglasses smell funny?"
@zeldatra Winter in shorts, though! :D
It's not that I'm not empathetic towards people who lost everything in the recent LA wildfires, it's more that I don't consider washed-up media influencers living deliberately uninsured in a mansion they know they shouldn't be able to afford to be "people" like you or me https://apnews.com/article/california-fires-los-angeles-water-lawsuit-548b08e13f256079ff0ffc4e7a9c55a3
@adiwan The way companies do that garbage, I don't even want to buy anything from anyone anymore. It should be considered theft, plain and simple - I had a tool that did X, and now it has been taken away against my will. If corporations were people, they'd be doing a B&E to take away my tools like that, and I would have a chance to kneecap them with a golf club.
My dad's neighborhood Ring network or whatever always has someone asking silly questions like "Why is a helicopter flying overhead?" and I keep suggesting answers like "Because if it went under you it would be tunneling."
about 24 days ago from web -
@zeldatra Why can't you do something about that?
@adiwan So it's not just me who feels like GIMP is, well, gimpy
@nerthos Wouldn't have been our gnarliest presidential beard, though... Take that, Rutherford B Hayes, BOOM!!
@adiwan It's really pretty insane out here, exactly the worst case apocalypse we've been warned about every fire season for the last decade just about
Day dayday de'day day daayyyy
about a month ago from web -
I just need enough computer to get a computer computing again, have a 10 pack of PC buzzers coming today because it was the cheapest next day delivery option, gonna get my desktop figured out for real today
about a month ago from web -
@nerthos And I super don't want to take apart a MacBook, lol, I will never get it back together again. I totally know you're right, but a 10+year old laptop with no-doubt irritating construction just felt more like a spray isopropyl situation in the moment
@adiwan You had me at , maybe I should finally get around to it
Or, maybe it'll give me just enough to activate the warranty on my desktop mainboard and I can get that ball rolling at last, who knows
about a month ago from web -
@nerthos Anyway, if it gives me time, I spilled wine a couple weeks back and did my best to dry it out. It was working OK, especially because I use an external keyboard anyway, but it's been hanging up on multitasks so I was thinking maybe a fan was gummed up. Got some solvents and spray air duster, gave it a shot; think I temporarily shorted up the power switch so it was confused but maybe (hopefully) it dried out and will be all fine onward.
Oh hell maybe it's alive after all??
about a month ago from web -
And so tonight my laptop dies because God just seems to want me to kill myself or something idk we
@adiwan It sucks, man. Godspeed.