Notices by Cole (scrollhunter), page 6

  1. @greatandpowerfuleaglehooves (Jeez thats a big name) Yeah I know. I hope there's a way to get RD-Refresh for my iPhone so i can pony while on the go...

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 20:12:57 UTC from web in context
  2. @minti nice new avatar! :3

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 20:11:32 UTC from web in context
  3. @rozeluck Mother of Celestia, you have less of a life than me! :D

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 20:10:12 UTC from web in context
  4. This pony needs a name.

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 04:23:08 UTC from web in context
  5. @stopwatch It's what I call my Photobucket where I keep all my ponies. Then again, we do need a Ponybucket. That'd be win.

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 02:55:22 UTC from web in context
  6. Yes. Just yes. I have 1,250 pony pics in my ponybucket.

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 02:51:27 UTC from web
  7. Hmm. Will Photobucket allow me to upload 435 pics at one time?

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 02:13:26 UTC from web in context
  8. @ponyray I know it is. It's just getting myself to do it is all.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:14:06 UTC from web
  9. @ponyray Eh... I'm trying to get myself to do that. SELF: Y U SO Fluttershy?!?

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:10:45 UTC from web
  10. @nerthos Arson! ;D

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:08:51 UTC from web in context
  11. @redemchilada You don't have my parents. My mother alone didn't want to get Skyrim because of blood. If she knew I was hanging with "a bunch of creepy weirdos" (as she would call you), some kiwi would go down. I hate my parents. :c

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:05:37 UTC from web in context
  12. @zimzap While those are good instructions, how would a 14 year old convince his parents to buy a shirt with a pony on it? :I

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:00:51 UTC from web in context
  13. @zimzap *dances a jig*

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:56:21 UTC from web
  14. @bronyalex Morning! :D

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:52:41 UTC from web
  15. Hm. We need a Skyrim mod that turns you into a pony.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:49:25 UTC from web in context
  16. @macpony55 I'll try... Then again, Louisville is the biggest city you'll find in KY. I could search Frankfort, I guess.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:43:52 UTC from web
  17. @macpony55 Uhh... I'm not quite sure as to how to do that.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:40:27 UTC from web in context
  18. @macpony55 I checked the map thing; the closest one is in Tennessee, and doesn't even exist. I also tried to search for it and I found one brony in my town, but he/or/she is not active on RDN.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:38:47 UTC from web in context
  19. @dangaertner7 I lol'd.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:36:27 UTC from web in context
  20. Does anyone even live NEAR Kentucky? 3:

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:28:38 UTC from web in context
  21. @zimzap Hay der. :3

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:15:46 UTC from web
  22. Alright, who finds the 'Me Gusta Jelly' pony face a bit... creepy? It freaks me out. :c

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:11:09 UTC from web in context
  23. @pinhooves welcome back to conciousness. :P

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:08:17 UTC from web in context
  24. @rainbowdash94 LOL. I wish I could trade this thing in. I can't even listen to music while using the internet, not to mention unable to use EFR.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:02:54 UTC from web
  25. @ponyray Right there with ya, brony. I don't think there are many in Louisville, KY where I live.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:58:40 UTC from web
  26. @rainbowdash94 Y U Taunt me so?!?!

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:57:27 UTC from web in context
  27. @rainbowluna Hay.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:40:49 UTC from web
  28. Anypony know if I can get some sort of flash player on this crappy iPhone? I wanna listen to the radio. :C

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:37:10 UTC from web in context
  29. Hey, ponies! Anyone see the sunbathing pony around 3:15 on the new episode? What's her name?

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:30:05 UTC from web
  30. *yawn* Good night ponies. I think I've done enough tonight. I'll be sure to link you to my ponybucket once I add these ~450 pics to my ~800 already uploaded - for anyone who might be interested.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 07:54:13 UTC from web