Notices by Cole (scrollhunter), page 8

  1. @colfax OMG, where did you get the spoiler of the new episode?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:32:23 UTC from web
  2. @minti ahah, really? I had no idea, that's a weird coincidence. I chose that of my ~850 pics to show. is where I keep them uploaded to link quickly, if anyone is interested.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:31:27 UTC from web in context
  3. @minti Good job, lol. Here, has some brushie brushie.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:25:25 UTC from web in context
  4. @milo G'night milo-pony.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:23:18 UTC from web
  5. @lyokotravels Thanks :D I'm still working hard to keep an eye out for any, but no luck.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:18:11 UTC from web
  6. @lyokotravels Cool, grats man! Consider yourself lucky; there are no bronies anywhere NEAR where I live. :c /foreveralooone

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:16:22 UTC from web in context
  7. @richardedpony There are several livestreams, if you're awake when it's about to come on you can check and there'd probably be some links to help you out.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:09:48 UTC from web
  8. @richarcedbrony

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:07:07 UTC from web
  9. @minti That's the video that caused me to google this site. :)

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:03:36 UTC from web
  10. @milo It's pretty funny, actually. @stormcharger [s]Beat the nonbelievers with a PVC pipe.[/s] Love and toleration.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:59:04 UTC from web in context
  11. Has anyone seen this yet?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:55:47 UTC from web in context
  12. @milo HNNNNNNG... Why do you wish to cause us heart problems?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:44:21 UTC from web in context
  13. So it seems there's a new fad now to replace the "When I'm...", but with a more appropriate past... Eh? Also, do we have spoilers on upcoming episode?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:29:44 UTC from web
  14. Ahahah, I just had the strangest idea. What if someone took normal books and converted them to pony?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:23:54 UTC from web
  15. Wow, the activity of this fluxuates like crazy. Everything was quiet for 5 minutes, now I can't refresh fast enough! Oh my poor, poor F5.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:15:23 UTC from web in context
  16. @nerthos Please tell me how you did that. Is that customizable? I want dashie-bolts and twilight-stars on my shields! :c

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:05:07 UTC from web in context
  17. Have there been any good games lately? All I can find is My Little Hang-glider...

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:03:53 UTC from web
  18. @milo BWAHAHAH, I didn't know there was a video version! thx

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:56:17 UTC from web in context
  19. @mushi I think so; I can't seem to recall what it's about, though.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:54:08 UTC from web in context
  20. I just found best thing ever! :D

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:52:31 UTC from web in context
  21. I don't think anyone in my town is a brony... Louisville, KY anypony?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:43:27 UTC from web
  22. @zimzap are iPhone apps for this site on the menu?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:14:55 UTC from web in context
  23. So... I'm totally new to this, and I'm not sure if I'm typing in the right box right now. How popular is this? Any bronies from KY?

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:11:33 UTC from web in context