James Beach's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  3. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • !northamptonbronies Although I acknowledge that the northampton brony herd 'migrated' to meetup.com, there's so little activity on there (although slightly more than here, at least!) that I wonder if there's something about meetup that is driving ponies away. Sooooo... I made a google+ group. I don't fancy myself as a leader of any kind, so please, if you want to take over, just let me know! Find it here: http://goo.gl/aW2vH

      Friday, 15-Mar-13 04:27:54 UTC from web
      • !northamptonbronies The meetup.com group will officially replace this rbn.net group. So please join it for the latest news

        Friday, 06-Jul-12 03:24:15 UTC from web
        • !northamptonbronies Aradia, a local brony (who made all the pony glasses for our first meetup), shelled out some cash for a real meetup group. You should sign up for it: http://www.meetup.com/Western-Mass-Bronies/

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 02:39:54 UTC from web
          • # I wish I knew there was a place like this to begin with. But yes hello! I'm pretty near NoHo so I'm really hoping that some !northamptonbronies will be around to chill sometime soon ^_^ the sooner I get familiar with the local herd, the sooner y'all can count my car among the herd's resources :3

            Thursday, 28-Jun-12 23:06:27 UTC from web
          • !northamptonbronies New to the area! well, old to the area--but I've been gone for 6 years, and now that I'm back I'm looking for friends! Anypony up for Ice Cream at Herrell's?

            Thursday, 28-Jun-12 22:35:35 UTC from web
          • !northamptonbronies Hey, the Boston bronies are thinking about trying to rent a theater in late august for a 2-day 2-season marathon, anyone here interested in coming?

            Saturday, 26-May-12 13:03:12 UTC from web
          • !northamptonbronies Hope everypony had fun! Wish I could have made it!

            Monday, 30-Apr-12 13:19:00 UTC from web
            • !northamptonbronies sadly, this is the one weekend i won't be in the valley. have fun, everypony!

              Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 03:49:37 UTC from web
              • !northamptonbronies guess who got us in the nightly roundup on Equestria Daily?!?! http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=wlj78&s=5

                Monday, 16-Apr-12 08:41:22 UTC from web
                • !northamptonbronies Next meetup is SCHEDULED! Thanks to @rainboomtbs. We will be watching the Royal Wedding at 1PM in the Forbes Library!

                  Saturday, 14-Apr-12 02:13:46 UTC from web
                  • !northamptonbronies can we PLEASE have a meetup either this weekend or next weekend somewhere downtown? Me and my brony friends are DYING to go to a meetup. like...you have no idea.

                    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 04:22:39 UTC from web
                  • !northamptonbronies I think we need a Royal Wedding Party.

                    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 18:55:08 UTC from web
                  • !northamptonbronies Impromptu small-ish meetup this weekend? (Sorry for not being organized. My life has been crazy the last few months.)

                    Thursday, 22-Mar-12 22:29:31 UTC from web
                    • !northamptonbronies Hey, is the meetup still being planned for March? I'd love to meet more Bronies around Northampton, and a meetup sounds like it'd be awesome.

                      Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:32:18 UTC from web
                    • !northamptonbronies That's a great idea. March would be awesome since I'll be on vacation for most of it. Oh, I'm planning on having a semi-open birthday party in a few weeks at a bar in Northampton. I'll announce it here too. =)

                      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 06:57:45 UTC from web
                      • !northamptonbronies I'm totally supporting the idea of a meetup happening soon! Saturdays are also great for me. Looking forward to meet everypony!

                        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 04:20:49 UTC from web
                      • !northamptonbronies Ok everypony, it's February, school's back in session, and we need to get together and enjoy eachother's company! It's lots of fun to meet new people and bring baked goods (or baked bads?) to nom upon! Saturdays in general work best for me, though we prolly should schedule things for sometime next month, so an adequate amount of planning can happen. As for a meetup spot, we can always try to meet at a nice public venue, like the Forbes library or something. (Obviously we'd have to move somewhere before partying, cause libraries are s'posed to be quiet, according to Twilight).

                        Monday, 06-Feb-12 03:20:36 UTC from web
                        • !northamptonbronies Oh yeah, that. Fancy college kids with their fancy winter breaks. But yeah, having something scheduled in the first few weeks of the semester would be a good idea, that way people won't be bogged down with work/studying

                          Thursday, 29-Dec-11 23:52:36 UTC from web
                          • !northamptonbronies Ok, so November didn't turn out to be do-able for anypony. Think we can try for sometime in January? It would be nice to have a meetup when school is in session so we can have a ton of peoples about!

                            Thursday, 29-Dec-11 16:39:55 UTC from web
                          • Looks like its time for me to join the herd. :3

                            Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:03:14 UTC from web