Notices tagged with baking

  1. To most people, banana bread is a quickbread. Well, I often go against the crowd. # #

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 06:08:00 UTC from web in context
  2. I sure baked a lot today. # #

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 04:55:17 UTC from web in context
  3. I actually photographed this hours ago, but I had to get going before I could upload it. # #

    Sunday, 29-Jan-12 04:17:17 UTC from web
  4. This turned out really well. # #

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 21:47:13 UTC from web in context
  5. Well, thanks to some advice and a lot of experimentation, my 'bread follies' are over. # #

    Friday, 13-Jan-12 01:17:03 UTC from web
  6. Aside from needing an X-slash next time, this one turned out quite well. # #

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 17:12:28 UTC from web
  7. Well, that didn't turn out too badly. # !cooking

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 18:13:34 UTC from web in context
  8. This loaf rose pretty well, especially considering it was my first made with home-ground flour! # !cooking

    Saturday, 17-Dec-11 02:32:50 UTC from web
  9. This may be my best # rye loaf yet. The new loaf tin did a great job. # #

    Friday, 16-Dec-11 00:29:18 UTC from web in context
  10. This # rye gave me a little trouble, but I still managed to make it turn out reasonably well. # #

    Sunday, 11-Dec-11 01:39:41 UTC from web in context
  11. Check out my buns! # #

    Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 16:16:03 UTC from web
  12. Another high riser this weekend, but with a beautiful crust this time. # # #

    Saturday, 03-Dec-11 16:56:48 UTC from web
  13. While my new !archlinux desktop install was baking, I also baked some dinner rolls. # #

    Saturday, 03-Dec-11 03:51:55 UTC from web in context
  14. This whole-wheat loaf rose like crazy! # # #

    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:46:50 UTC from web
  15. These super-soft dinner rolls are a # gift for my mother. # #

    Thursday, 24-Nov-11 01:00:52 UTC from web in context
  16. Hey look, homemade muffins! # #

    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 02:20:36 UTC from web in context
  17. Now THIS is more of what I was going for with my # # # #

    Saturday, 19-Nov-11 16:29:53 UTC from web in context
  18. Oh look,#sourdough # No wheat involved. # #

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 16:52:58 UTC from web
  19. In other news...well, those who know me well can probably already guess. # # # #

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 01:22:00 UTC from web in context
  20. So I had eggnog yesterday. What other holiday treats should I try # or eating?

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 13:58:27 UTC from web in context