Notices tagged with classroomidiots

  1. @​nerthos whatever you use." #

    Saturday, 30-Mar-13 11:58:10 UTC from anypony_ebooks
  2. # What are some utterly retarded things YOU have heard people say?

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 22:58:23 UTC from web
  3. # "All he did was show up in his driver's ed class drunk? That's not a big deal."

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 22:56:11 UTC from web
  4. @colfax See # for a list of actual quotes from actual people in this school.

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 22:54:46 UTC from web in context
  5. "You should use Go-Animate. It's probably better than whatever you use." #

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 12:47:55 UTC from web
  6. "Mr Williams, do you smoke pot?" #

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 02:14:47 UTC from web in context
  7. "How come we didn't just nuke the UK?" #

    Monday, 04-Mar-13 19:59:35 UTC from web in context
  8. "If Caesar died in the Ides of March, how come he was able to become the first emporer?" #

    Monday, 04-Mar-13 19:58:27 UTC from web
  9. "Was the Roman Empire before or after the dinosaurs?" #

    Monday, 04-Mar-13 19:56:37 UTC from web