Notices by thismightbeauser, page 5

  1. @scribus Sorry about that. I feel you to some extent. I'm starting to realize that my anxiety may actually be a brain issue and not something I can just talk myself out of. Realizing that has helped me be a little kinder to myself and prevent it from spiraling out of control a little bit. I should probably be on medication, but everything I've been prescribed before has made me feel slightly dead inside.

    Friday, 11-Oct-19 01:28:30 UTC from web in context
  2. Teller: "Are you from this area ma'am?"
    Me: "No I'm actually from Saudi Arabia."
    Teller: "Making a large purchase?"
    Me: "Not really, I'm laundering money to fund terrorism."

    Friday, 11-Oct-19 01:12:58 UTC from web
  3. I guess technically the individual mandate was a "good part" because now insurance will jack up the prices to recover from healthy people leaving their plans.

    Thursday, 10-Oct-19 09:12:02 UTC from web
  4. @scribus I'm probably wrong about this, but I thought Spraytan lifted the individual mandate while simultaneously sabotaging some of the good parts of Obamacare as well.

    Thursday, 10-Oct-19 09:05:58 UTC from web in context
  5. @newuserguys Aren't we all?

    Wednesday, 09-Oct-19 02:43:35 UTC from web in context
  6. <liberal rant against radical conservative>

    Sunday, 06-Oct-19 10:06:34 UTC from web
  7. @scribus What is a chode? Is that like a chav?

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 12:46:02 UTC from web in context
  8. @awl I don't think it's so much a recent thing, so much as a homeowner's associations and people suck in general, but I'm sure BrBa didn't help.

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 06:23:01 UTC from web in context
  9. @scribus @awl I'm actually considering buying an RV, but I'm not sure if the life I'm planning for myself will be very compatible with living that way. I want to be a physicist, but to do that, I will need to go back to school and then probably get hired by a lab or something. Both of those things would require me to be anchored to one spot for the most part. It seems like any city with any level of population gets real particular about vehicles parked in the streets. I just got a warning sticker from my nowhereville about being parked in the same spot in my neighborhood for over three days. :/

    Wednesday, 25-Sep-19 07:10:17 UTC from web in context
  10. @drinkingpony I'm only aware of this show because I bumped into a woman on the BART who was involved with the show somehow supposedly. Apparently not a writer.

    Thursday, 19-Sep-19 12:16:00 UTC from web in context
  11. @adiwan this is the optimist in me talking but what if they lost it

    Thursday, 05-Sep-19 14:12:34 UTC from web in context
  12. @adiwan Thanks. The context helps. I was thinking that you were controlling real industrial machinery or something. I'm not too familiar with either Odin Inspector or Bolt so idk what will happen there.

    Friday, 23-Aug-19 02:46:43 UTC from web in context
  13. @adiwan I don't fully understand why you'd use Unity to build what you mentioned, but it shouldn't have an impact on whether you can use it unless you are targeting something other than the .NET CLR like WebAssembly or something.

    Thursday, 22-Aug-19 09:26:00 UTC from web in context
  14. @adiwan Are you coding this in Core or Framework? I remember a while ago there was a library that could add features to the language, like constraining a type to a specific Enum, which didn't exist at the time. You may find what you're looking for in there... Found it

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 22:13:32 UTC from web in context
  15. @thismightbeauser Additionally, you could use an Attribute to mark the class as a "friend" and search for that attribute when you traverse the call stack. That would be more agnostic.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 22:08:44 UTC from web in context
  16. @thismightbeauser So like when the runtime barfs out an error and it tells you all the steps it took to get there.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 22:00:53 UTC from web in context
  17. @adiwan It wouldn't be reflection it would be literally grepping the call stack to make sure the full classname you want to allow is in it.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 21:58:48 UTC from web in context
  18. @adiwan Look at the call stack for the class you want to allow. That would be the runtime solution.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:45:51 UTC from web in context
  19. @thismightbeauser Actually no. I'm dumb. You could return whatever you wanted unless it was an Expression<Function<>> and you actually checked the expression tree before executing.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:44:16 UTC from web in context
  20. @adiwan The solution usually given for multiple inheritance in C# is composition. It's a little nasty though.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:39:42 UTC from web in context
  21. @thismightbeauser Actually forget U. U would be a fixed type and match the type of the field.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:33:24 UTC from web in context
  22. @adiwan What if you did something like setValue<T, U>(T caller, Function<T, U> valFunc) where T : InterfaceOrClassAllowed , getValue<T, U>(T caller, Function<T, U> valFunc) where T : InterfaceOrClassAllowed . The lamba tells the function where to retrieve or store the value from, and the method doesn't have to know where the value comes from, but it guarantees it came from the other object.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:32:12 UTC from web in context
  23. TIL: Slack code formatting does not work on RDN

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 16:59:50 UTC from web
  24. @adiwan There's a concept of "friend" libraries, so you could set the field to `protected internal` and then access it from the friend. It's useful for testing, but not sure if it would help in your situation.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 16:59:07 UTC from web in context
  25. @adiwan You're making me I wish I hadn't canceled my subscription.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 16:56:33 UTC from web in context
  26. @adiwan I once drove a 15ft moving truck cross country. Lane changing and stopping was terrifying and I avoided them for the entire trip. The truck broke down in Jbip and I had to postpone my work start date and wait literally over half a day to get a tow.

    Monday, 12-Aug-19 09:11:20 UTC from web in context
  27. I need to sleep, but tomorrow is Monday. If I just stay awake an hour or two longer I can postpone the impending tragedy and get drunk on the impending sleep deprivation!

    Monday, 12-Aug-19 09:07:08 UTC from web
  28. "I have on DVD that"? Time to sleep, I think.

    Sunday, 11-Aug-19 04:44:03 UTC from web in context
  29. @adiwan I have on DVD that but it's been so long since I watched it I barely remember it.

    Sunday, 11-Aug-19 04:42:36 UTC from web in context
  30. @thelastgherkin nvm lol. Google image search. It's in the right click menu in Chrome now.

    Wednesday, 07-Aug-19 04:55:26 UTC from web in context

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