Veepal IT Services .Pvt. Ltd's home timeline


  1. Wait, the tickle boat that killed that guy?

    Monday, 15-May-17 21:54:01 UTC from web
    • I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm saying. I'll kill you! Gimme a burger!

      Monday, 15-May-17 20:52:39 UTC from web
      • If you take your burgers from me, I will murder you and your mouthy wife.

        Monday, 15-May-17 20:52:00 UTC from web
        • white male holy genocide

          Saturday, 13-May-17 23:05:14 UTC from web
        • He's in his own home! Hostage is a bit much

          Thursday, 11-May-17 20:47:30 UTC from web
          • Should the FAQ have a wiki for our garbage and memes?

            Thursday, 11-May-17 18:23:51 UTC from web

            Thursday, 11-May-17 18:43:45 UTC from web
            • if you're still there, ihatemangos95 or whatever: i miss you, dad

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:44:08 UTC from web
            • I missed one.

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:36:46 UTC from web
            • it's funny because that racist shtick made him fit in even better

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:26:36 UTC from web
            • Forza is a serious racing simulator

              Wednesday, 26-Apr-17 17:40:42 UTC from web
              • I don't think I will ever be happy

                Saturday, 22-Apr-17 15:01:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Does everyone's gmail get ads for dating mature women or am I just that easy to figure out

                Saturday, 22-Apr-17 09:53:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Only he can save us now.

                Thursday, 20-Apr-17 17:38:29 UTC from web
                • If you can vote in the UK election and plan to vote for Teresa May, you are a bad person and need to leave my website.

                  Tuesday, 18-Apr-17 18:11:38 UTC from web
                  • Tbh I'm shocked there wasn't already a mass murderer named the Facebook Killer.

                    Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:39:59 UTC from web
                  • by which I mean pedophiles, Literal Murderers, and the French

                    Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:17:40 UTC from web
                  • Don't forget we had that mafia guy and his allegedly extant babby

                    Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:22:31 UTC from web
                    • Also I'm fairly certain that this instance actually has the most restrictive conduct rules of any instance in the federation. Which is why there are only like 4 people on it.

                      Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:15:33 UTC from web
                    • Though looking around we are tagged (Negatively) as a "Free Speech Zone" on one instance (Which is some kind of "we're calling you nazis without using the word nazi" dogwhistle) and as "Oppressive grapeposters" on another. (Which is a surprise. I didn't think we had the volume to do anything oppressively)

                      Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:13:26 UTC from web
                      • Wait, this isn't an instance for Nazis? I've been hoarding all these swastikas for nothing!

                        Monday, 17-Apr-17 13:11:27 UTC from web

                          Tuesday, 11-Apr-17 17:28:48 UTC from web
                          • But since it's a you, it'll be more of a "Moderately satisfying ending"

                            Tuesday, 11-Apr-17 14:04:21 UTC from web
                            • "I never thought I'd say "Less Teeth" on a handjob"

                              Tuesday, 11-Apr-17 14:03:34 UTC from web
                              • Why not give it a try and if you hate it I'll stop

                                Monday, 10-Apr-17 21:55:58 UTC from web
                              • My mum just went into graphic detail about the sex lives of two of the elderly residents at work

                                Monday, 10-Apr-17 19:07:59 UTC from web
                              • Legalise gay space weed

                                Monday, 10-Apr-17 18:49:12 UTC from web
                                • More glad that @ceruleanspark has kept this instance open for us, even if it isn't so busy.

                                  Saturday, 08-Apr-17 23:32:25 UTC from web
                                • I can't see dick underwater

                                  Friday, 07-Apr-17 23:37:02 UTC from
                                • Nightcore Tim Buckley

                                  Friday, 07-Apr-17 23:37:36 UTC from web