Notices by adiwan (adiwan), page 2

  1. @zeldatra I could swear I saw where to change the region in the google settings. Ad-hoc I can only see the help page for the Play store

    about a year ago from web in context
  2. @zeldatra It's the duck typing principle: If you walk an American and you talk like an American, then you're American.

    about a year ago from web in context
  3. 76 hours! I'm exhausted.

    about a year ago from web
  4. Listening to the Yakuza 5 ost track of Taxi race driving

    about a year ago from web
  5. "Those lazy, lazy leaves!"

    Saturday, 12-Nov-22 13:23:53 UTC from web
  6. Batman died

    Friday, 11-Nov-22 17:33:13 UTC from web
  7. same but with Wham!'s Last Christmas

    Monday, 07-Nov-22 17:48:05 UTC from web
  8. @zeldatra Hahaha. Oh wow. The same logic can be applied to this: A bullet-proof vest is not knife-proof. Good old chain mail is

    Saturday, 13-Aug-22 05:42:01 UTC from web in context
  9. I'm debating with myself if I should buy and play TUNIC . And if I do, should I buy it from GOG or Steam?

    Saturday, 11-Jun-22 17:59:18 UTC from web in context
  10. Haven't thought of American Gladiators in ages or even heard the theme Good TV fun

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-22 17:11:22 UTC from web
  11. @adiwan And how it looks on my desk

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-22 10:53:48 UTC from web in context
  12. I completed my laptop stand

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-22 10:53:20 UTC from web in context
  13. I'm building a vertical laptop stand for my laptop for work with its USB-C docking station. This is an image after being freshly varnished. It is made of cheap pine tree wood and then stained. After the varnish hardens I put some felt in the top holder. I test-fitted it and it looks sturdy enough. Due to measuring and construction intolerance I left more space than needed but I can pad it out with enough felt to make it a snug fit. So the top is for the laptop and the bottom space is for the USB-C docking station.

    Monday, 11-Apr-22 16:54:21 UTC from web
  14. .

    Saturday, 12-Mar-22 09:30:32 UTC from web
  15. @scribus My bad. I don't want to put poutine's name in vain. I just looked up how it is pronounced It appears to sound more like "poot yen"

    Thursday, 03-Mar-22 05:48:41 UTC from web in context
  16. NOOOO

    Tuesday, 15-Feb-22 16:42:53 UTC from web in context
  17. @zeldatra You don't have to go that far. A friend of mine uses Text To Speech (AI assisted or not) for his game jam games. It is often a blessing not to hear the programmer doing the voices. I played too many game jam games where a non-native and heavily accented English speaker tries to speak into a crappy gaming-microphone in the most monotone and least engaging way. I genuinely think that the TTS from google at delivers better an emotion than these crappy attempts.

    Friday, 11-Feb-22 10:53:33 UTC from web in context
  18. It reminds me of a chapter of my history book.

    Saturday, 05-Feb-22 07:44:02 UTC from web
  19. A channel I can recommend is This guy has a huge collection of vintage computers and attempts to repair them. In the recent year he had also quite some videos about devices from the Apollo space program.

    Tuesday, 30-Nov-21 06:36:51 UTC from web
  20. It's really depressing to see the infection rate rising so fast. In average Germany has about 300 infections per 100000 people in a week. Some districts have a rate of 1200 per 100000 in a week. Just WTF man. I live where it's way lower than average but still freaky.

    Tuesday, 16-Nov-21 10:56:32 UTC from web in context
  21. Mr. T: "You got a lotta mouth, and I got a lotta fist for your mouth!"

    Wednesday, 27-Oct-21 05:17:36 UTC from web
  22. These are the ratings of the game jam. Out of about 3000 submissions they aren't bad.

    Friday, 22-Oct-21 09:21:57 UTC from web
  23. Yeah! Sqeaky new tires and rims.

    Monday, 18-Oct-21 13:37:21 UTC from web

    Wednesday, 06-Oct-21 15:38:28 UTC from web
  25. I created a game jam game

    Monday, 04-Oct-21 11:45:09 UTC from web
  26. Friends of mine released a game For about 8 hours it'll be available for free, after that it'll be about $4.

    Thursday, 30-Sep-21 11:19:37 UTC from web
  27. I made this Star Wars crate as a gift

    Wednesday, 29-Sep-21 16:49:20 UTC from web in context

    Saturday, 25-Sep-21 06:52:27 UTC from web

    Saturday, 18-Sep-21 20:53:43 UTC from web
  30. Finished my couch table. The legs are aluminium extrusions (40mm x 40mm) and the plate is low quality oak that I stained and varnished myself. I also rounded the edges and cut threads for the felted table feet. This project turned out to be more expensive and require more work than anticipated but it's my own. The good thing is that the table height is higher than the seating height and my legs fit comfortably under the table.

    Monday, 06-Sep-21 19:08:37 UTC from web