Ashley's home timeline


  1. @7uprulez Ah, I got home from college a few hours ago and just finished watching a film with a friend

    Saturday, 17-Oct-15 02:16:33 UTC from web
  2. Happy easter everyone :) And umm, nice logo? Hehe

    Monday, 06-Apr-15 00:34:24 UTC from web
    • Hello everyone, rate this? My third drawing with mouse!! ^^

      Friday, 03-Apr-15 23:56:22 UTC from web
    • My deviantart is:

      Friday, 03-Apr-15 21:56:45 UTC from web
      • Hai everyone! :3 Idk if you know, but I have a deviantart! Im trying to make some friends on there.. maybe watch for watch?? Hehe ^^

        Friday, 03-Apr-15 21:56:30 UTC from web
        • @darkw00d Yes! Its good ^^

          Friday, 03-Apr-15 21:42:42 UTC from web
        • :D

          Friday, 03-Apr-15 20:21:23 UTC from web
          • all my friends are on RDN

            Friday, 03-Apr-15 19:46:54 UTC from web
          • hello!! :D

            Friday, 03-Apr-15 19:04:52 UTC from web
          • hehehe

            Friday, 03-Apr-15 09:31:26 UTC from web
            • :3

              Friday, 03-Apr-15 08:53:55 UTC from web
              • hi! <3

                Friday, 03-Apr-15 08:08:24 UTC from web
              • hello rainbow dash network!! :3 If anyone has a deviantart maybe watch for watch? Hehe... Let me know if done? :D

                Friday, 03-Apr-15 06:27:06 UTC from web
              • @mushi hi

                Friday, 03-Apr-15 06:25:29 UTC from web
              • yey! :3

                Friday, 03-Apr-15 06:24:29 UTC from web
              • Sup everyone? :D

                Wednesday, 15-Oct-14 06:49:40 UTC from web
              • @7uprulez Hi all (:

                Sunday, 05-Oct-14 02:13:59 UTC from web