Brian's home timeline


  1. If your daydreaming (at might) Is it still a daydream

    Saturday, 23-Mar-13 08:45:25 UTC from web
    • Since I almost just drove into a ditch I'd better be going till my shift is over

      Saturday, 23-Mar-13 06:48:37 UTC from web
    • Is it safe to drive a 67ton vehicle and be typing

      Saturday, 23-Mar-13 06:39:14 UTC from web
    • I like cooking when I'm home...because I don't go home often

      Saturday, 23-Mar-13 06:27:23 UTC from web
    • Soo bored

      Saturday, 23-Mar-13 06:23:07 UTC from web
      • I'm out for the night gotta go to Wisconsin

        Saturday, 23-Mar-13 00:26:12 UTC from web
        • You're trying to seduce me, boxxy-chan~!! >.<

          Friday, 22-Mar-13 23:14:52 UTC from web
        • Good thing I sold mine

          Friday, 22-Mar-13 23:42:46 UTC from web
        • Yaa toxic waste pools

          Friday, 22-Mar-13 23:26:30 UTC from web
          • Well my truck finished loading. Cya later

            Friday, 22-Mar-13 20:31:28 UTC from web
          • I only hqve a couple friends but none watch the show

            Friday, 22-Mar-13 20:23:34 UTC from web
            • Apple fans are the worst

              Friday, 22-Mar-13 20:20:45 UTC from web
            • Don't become a truck driver it gets old really quick

              Friday, 22-Mar-13 20:19:26 UTC from web
            • Name it 404WaNotFound

              Friday, 22-Mar-13 20:17:13 UTC from web
              • Checking in from maryville Nebraska .. why is it still flurring here

                Friday, 22-Mar-13 18:34:21 UTC from web
                • On the road again ...

                  Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 22:15:21 UTC from web
                  • It may only be 23 in Iowa I refuse to wear warm cloths ... sandals and shorts me yaa

                    Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 05:51:11 UTC from web
                    • Stuck in Montana its aboug 10 out with a -15 wind chill ...tomorrows susposta be 20º cooler....

                      Wednesday, 30-Jan-13 13:56:09 UTC from web
                      • 5 to 8 weeks before I get to go home....then I can catch up on episodes

                        Monday, 28-Jan-13 17:02:04 UTC from web
                        • Iowa's cold

                          Wednesday, 23-Jan-13 22:06:17 UTC from web
                          • I think @afk might die next time we see him.

                            Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:07:07 UTC from web
                          • na i guess a 2 week break is long enough.. well i'll try to get on from my phone while im on the road cya later

                            Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:05:11 UTC from web
                          • @afk Too bad.

                            Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:04:03 UTC from web
                            • i already broke my work truck... they issued me a new one

                              Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:03:41 UTC from web
                            • i dont wanna go back to work tomorrow...

                              Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:02:10 UTC from web
                            • weee

                              Thursday, 17-Jan-13 17:34:47 UTC from web
                              • I hate texas

                                Friday, 14-Dec-12 19:12:06 UTC from web
                              • Trying to get to Texas before sunrise... hope 104 gallons of fuel is enough

                                Friday, 14-Dec-12 09:22:27 UTC from web
                                • I need a ton of rainbows cutie mark stickers... I drive a company that has blue truck and trailer.. I should start tagging them all

                                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 19:43:12 UTC from web
                                  • To south Dakota

                                    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 19:37:15 UTC from web