Mattie, Cinemagic's home timeline


  1. Hello <3

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 17:59:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  2. Walk to Dunkin Donuts, almost call the guy behind the counter Pony Joe. #?

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:31:14 UTC from web
  3. Happy Valentines Day, to everyone who wants to enjoy it. For everyone else, Happy February 14th, and I still hope that you have a great day. :)

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 17:32:18 UTC from web
    • Peeking awake for a moment to say, "Happy Birthday, @MrDragon !" :) I hope that your day is a fun and enjoyable one. (Or, at the very least, that you get to spend some time laughing and grinning like a fool with your honey.) :)

      Monday, 13-Feb-12 12:27:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • 4 hours till Brony Meetup :3 All Nighter :D

        Saturday, 11-Feb-12 01:54:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • And I am back now.. Finally. Think I'll take on some drawing

        Friday, 10-Feb-12 22:43:47 UTC from web
      • By the way, Happy Birthday, @cabal ! I hope that you're having a fun one. :)

        Friday, 10-Feb-12 23:47:43 UTC from web
        • Hey, hello people.

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 23:41:11 UTC from web
        • And I'm back from some useless thing. How's everypony?

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 22:47:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • Nighty night night world! :3 # a random pony :3

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 23:16:51 UTC from web
        • Well I'm grounded this weekend :(

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 22:53:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • At last! I have landed in the... daring do network? Must have read the map wrong...

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 02:59:12 UTC from web
        • Has anypony seen the new leaked episode or am I among the more strongwilled ponies out there?

          Friday, 10-Feb-12 02:22:53 UTC from web
        • Alright, heading out to the mall again. Gonna get a special plushie there. :3

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 21:01:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • hey guys

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 21:01:52 UTC from web
        • Anypony have a link to the newest episode?!

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 21:04:18 UTC from web
        • Just posting this again because its awsome....

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 20:53:08 UTC from web
        • Well, I'm heading off to my first gig.

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 20:54:44 UTC from web
        • Class time! See everypony later!

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 20:50:31 UTC from web
        • @alias All types of transit.

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 20:29:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • There is a rule on hear about no spoiling, so please don't spoil it, and you will get a hug. :)

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 03:55:11 UTC from web
        • My new background is awesome :3

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:21:46 UTC from web
        • Been ill most of yesterday and all day today. I just hope it clears up by Sunday when I'm going to Liverpool for the day.

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 19:55:09 UTC from web
        • Elderly people, its Firefox, not foxfire. Sheesh.

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 19:34:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I don't know if I've somehow managed to maintain some level of self-control when it comes to ponies, that it just wouldn't be right to watch the show without my honey here -- especially this week's episode -- or I'm just that severely adverse to all things iTunes, but I am somehow managing to keep from buying the early release of this Saturday's episode. Somehow.

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 04:20:23 UTC from web
        • @colfax My group was removed (at least I think, it's not there anymore), and it was the only one that had any people in it. I'm sorry if it didn't seem "worthy" I guess, but it was based off of a joke. I can understand, just a little disheartened. (!pett)

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 03:15:42 UTC from web
        • lol there's two luna fan groups this !luna group & !princesslunafans group xD

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 01:32:50 UTC from web
        • Hey

          Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 21:27:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • finished my hw! yay!!! now its almost 11:30 and im really going to bed. and this time i mean it! :3

          Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 04:26:07 UTC from web
        • i just wanted to say bye. This'll probably be the last time yall see me around here. nothing wrong with you guys i just can't have time for RDN anymore. It's been real fun. I had some laughs, met some awesome people and learned some things i wished i had never known. All and all i'm glad. So to you guys on right now and to all of RDN have wonder lives and never stop being awesome. Thank you and goodnight.

          Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 02:01:40 UTC from web