Mattie, Cinemagic's home timeline


  1. yay im cake.

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 00:18:15 UTC from web
  2. @astra I haven't seen you much. Are you a lurker?

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 01:38:06 UTC from web
  3. Reposting because I feel like it.

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 00:43:25 UTC from web
  4. So, I just realised that this Saturday's pony marathon is from 11am to 4.30pm GMT. 5 and a half hours of pony.

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 17:48:29 UTC from web
  5. Well looks like my wallet is gone

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 18:34:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  6. @pony What @trister said. Everything has been rumours, heresay, and conspiracy theories.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 01:16:11 UTC from web
  7. The family drama turned to violence.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 00:04:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. Now let's find out how many panic attacks RDN being down triggered.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 01:05:03 UTC from web
  9. Hi ponies! It is I, sneaking off from writing a paper due on monday! Anyway, from Equestria Daily and the Bronies of Norway fb page I gether there's been some sort of Derpy panic? What happened? Have I missed somethng?

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 20:20:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  10. Well, making a Vinyl Scratch plushie went reasonably well for a first try~

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 21:37:04 UTC from web
  11. righty, well I need sleep now, night everypony

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 02:44:00 UTC from web
  12. Is anypony else having trouble loading We Love Fine atm?

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 02:23:55 UTC from web
  13. I just thought, perhaps Pinkie Pie is in a state of quantum entanglement with an alternate Pinkie Pie existing in a parallell very-near-future universe. Whenever this counterpart experiences an unusual or dangerous situation, our Pinkie Pie undergoes uncontrollable simultaneous resonance. Don't give up on that scientific explaination yet, Twilight! (Even if it is sci-fi physics)

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 00:02:52 UTC from web
  14. NOOOOO!!!! I LOST THE REMOTE WHAT WILL I DOOOO!!!!! Oh there it is...

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 00:38:28 UTC from web

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 23:16:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  16. Derpy Hooves shirts are supposedly being pulled from We Love Fine due to people being offended by them. I wish I was kidding when I said this.

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 19:20:35 UTC from web
  17. Ah, the embarrassing relief of being in a department heads meeting, and catching yourself just before referring to text in the last meeting's notes that's in all caps as "the section in Royal Canterlot" ...

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 22:13:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  18. This man is my hero.

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 20:13:37 UTC from web
  19. I do feel better after what happened yesterday which is good, just getting artisty self hate right now >.<;]

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 17:03:05 UTC from web
  20. @aliadeta Yes, @ponydude sort of went crazy. As I recall, @colfax prioritized his report to the circular file.

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 02:30:22 UTC from web
  21. *crawls into my cave* I'm Katy. MtF Transgender. Yes, right now physically i am male, but i dont identify with it, my current body is the main source of all my self hate. I would SERIOUSLY prefer if it you guys saw me as who i want to be, not the person i'm desperately trying to kill off. If i end up after a while still being nothing more than a "guy" here, then i dont see point in staying...i'm sorry...

    Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 16:05:54 UTC from web
  22. For some reason, I look incredibly badass in pigtails.

    Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 22:05:27 UTC from web
  23. lol, BroNJcon. We should set a place to all meet up at the convention if we're going. I know I'll be there again! !njbronies.

    Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 20:58:39 UTC from web
    • Well, today sucked.

      Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 03:04:17 UTC from web
    • Left early just in case so I wouldn't miss the bus to work. And what do you know? I just missed the bus. Today just keeps getting worse.

      Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 22:57:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @rainyd hey got your message on tumblr!!! (brasspistol)

      Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 08:11:47 UTC from web
      • Picked up some extremawesomazing-ness at Toys-R-Us just now.

        Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 04:08:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • I hath decided not to leave, but then I saw a certain pony and now I ham questioning my choices.... *Prepares for attack hug from Mac*

        Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 01:14:16 UTC from web
      • Lunch time. I'll be back.

        Monday, 30-Jan-12 22:16:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Going to head to bed now. Night everyone.

        Monday, 30-Jan-12 22:14:22 UTC from web