Cloudsdale, Equestria
Im a pegasister. My favorite pairings are Twidash and Applejack (AppleSpark is up there too). I love shippings. Fave Ponies = Twilight, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Derpy.
More details...Layla Kadan (sword)
@moonprincess I'm here. I'm Sword
I miss the RP site...
Saturday, 15-Sep-12 03:24:34 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking I like my games to be on a need to know basic. (Also, im teaching one of my players the ropes atm, he's new)
@thatonestocking Uh...no thank you...that looks a little too complex, plus could allow for some meta-gaming, which im not for
@thatonestocking im confused what you mean now, link?
@thatonestocking By hand. I like creating my own worlds
@thatonestocking So far, if you're involved, I got two players
@thatonestocking A group to me is like 3-4 players
@ceruleanspark You care to join Cerulean?
@minti I've never used the figurines and boards
@thatonestocking Exactly, so you interested Stocking?
@thatonestocking There aren't many other players, because right now, there may be only one other player
@nerthos Well, I only know 3.5, and since /i'm/ the DM, i need to do something I know.
Hey everypony, I am trying to get a Dungeons and Dragons E3.5 game going on skype for around this time. It is level 1, rated pg-13/R, and any published books are allowed from 3.5. Hit me up on skype if you wish to join. My skype name is bottomfire
Hey everypony, I am trying to get a Dungeons and Dragons E3.5 game going on skype for around this time. It is level 1, rated pg-13/R, and any published books are allowed from 3.5. Hit me up on skype if you wish to join.
Monday, 27-Aug-12 16:58:23 UTC from web -
@rotation Web browser thats inferior to the PS3's...The Wii's...
Thursday, 26-Apr-12 18:57:33 UTC from web -
@moonpanzor Hello!
I may be adding to the stereotype that "Bronies are homosexual" But i don't care, I love my boyfriend with all my heart.
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:42:16 UTC from web -
@nerthos Ah, I have this, the RP site, and EverfreeRP open
@nerthos I haven't been here in SOOO long, my school blocked youtube, so I got bored.
Been soooo long since i've been here.
@fluttershy321 Facebook
@fluttershy321 Do. You. Have. It?
@fluttershy321 But it's easier to just talk you and me on there. Do you have facebook?
@fluttershy321 Hi little sis, you don't need to download AIM to use it. You just need to make an account then go to aim.com and use the in-browser version
@fluttershy321 Hi~
@poffinscoffer Like instead of Princess Celestia, they have Queen Blackhole
@poffinscoffer Equinox ponies are the twisted versions of equestrian ponies, look up 'Ask Equinox Girls' or 'Ask Motorloo'
@poffinscoffer Your eyes look like equinox pony eyes.
long time no see bronies of RDN