

  1. Mornin~

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 09:57:17 UTC from web
    1. @renna Morning!

      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 09:57:51 UTC from web
    2. @renna Haya! How are you doing?

      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 09:58:28 UTC from web
      1. Hey everyone :D I got sick, and I'm tired ~_~

        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:02:32 UTC from web
        1. @renna That happend to me last week.

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:02:56 UTC from web
        2. @renna yikes that's no fun

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:04:12 UTC from web
          1. @madflavors Seriously.. I never get sick! It's so annoying when it happens. @stumperman07 What were you sick with?

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:07:35 UTC from web
            1. @renna I had a cold last week, and I hated it.

              Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:08:24 UTC from web
              1. @stumperman07 by the by were you here yesterday morning were shipped together?

                Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:10:44 UTC from web
                1. @madflavors Yeah for some reason we were.

                  Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:11:07 UTC from web
                2. @madflavors I wonder who I am shipping with now... I have no idea what's going on anymore.

                  Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:11:25 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon Me! That's who, silly!

                    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:12:16 UTC from web
                  2. @mrdragon Probably a fair few ponies. My ship, however, is a one-seater.

                    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:12:21 UTC from web
                    1. @nvrrmbr Well, that was quick and sorted in a instant. At least it's somepony who I am happy to ship with. @pawnheart I wouldn't put it past this place to be honest, no idea what they have hidden from me.

                      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:13:22 UTC from web
                      1. @mrdragon Well, there's the ship with Soarin'... which you probably don't mind too much...

                        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:14:30 UTC from web
                        1. @pawnheart Not really, no.

                          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:16:10 UTC from web
                  3. @mrdragon me either.

                    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:14:40 UTC from web
        3. @renna Feel free to sleep with @ceruleanspark I'm sure he'd enjoy that.

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:06:01 UTC from web
          1. @nvrrmbr 3200 miles is a long way to fly for a nights sleep.

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:06:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Mmmyeah. I've done that before. It'd be worth it though, right?

              Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:07:26 UTC from web
              1. @nvrrmbr I would have the biggest :3face

                Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:08:10 UTC from TTYtter
                1. @ceruleanspark ...I wonder what that looks like. Some art pony should draw that.

                  Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:09:34 UTC from web
                  1. @nvrrmbr Well that would certainly be cute.

                    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:13:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @ceruleanspark I'm tempted to draw it myself, but I can't draw half a damn. I can draw a third of a damn though.

                      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:14:22 UTC from web
                      1. @nvrrmbr I can't draw at all either, and the only thing people seem to draw for me is gay porn of me.

                        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:14:52 UTC from TTYtter
                        1. @ceruleanspark Well, I'd be the first to draw non-gay porn.

                          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:15:31 UTC from web
                      2. @nvrrmbr Should be enough! I draw about a fifth of a damn, and it hasn't stopped me.

                        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:15:35 UTC from web
        4. @renna Everypony seems to have had a bug of some type of late... hope it passes swiftly...

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:07:57 UTC from web
          1. @pawnheart Maybe it's the time of year?

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:10:10 UTC from web
    3. @renna Howdy!

      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 09:59:43 UTC from web
    4. @renna Good mornin' renna.

      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:00:00 UTC from web