

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @zach121k I'm going to ask this, but what are your parents going to do about it? When I told my parents I made it clear there was nothing they could do about it, and they had to accept that part.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:53:45 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon Out of interest... did they understand?

        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:57:31 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart My dad didn't, but I could care less about him after all the crap he's tried to put me through. He invades my privacy, he thinks at all times he is better. HELL, he thought the first Nuke was dropped in the Vietnam war and argued about it... My mother though, just shrugged and went, "So?" so she couldn't care less. And I work with my mother on a common basis.

          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:59:17 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon ^^ Glad you could express who you really are. Moms are so great at things like this, mine is finally starting to loosen up about my eccentricities only took a quarter of a century. xD

            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:01:12 UTC from web
            1. @jinroh My mother and I are both managers in our own ways, she was trained as one. I got the title through work and experience. So we get on great as we both are like each other, that and we get under each others nose's on a constant basis. Nopony will come near us when we work together, our rage is unexplainable :3

              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:02:29 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon *insert your mother joke here*

                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:03:21 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada -glares at you, before glomp snuggling- Sorry, felt like doing that.

                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:04:45 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon *glomp snuggling?

                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:05:12 UTC from web
                    1. @pawnheart Glomping on to you then snuggling them

                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:06:14 UTC from web
                  2. @mrdragon what is snuggle I only know !hugs

                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:05:53 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada It's a !hugs but you snuggle in nice and cosy.

                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:06:29 UTC from web
              2. @mrdragon That's awesome. ^^ I love hearing things like that. It's always nice when you and a parental figure can become close friends when you no longer need them as a parental figure.

                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:06:02 UTC from web
                1. @jinroh Mmhm ^.^ it's great fun to. We are so intimidating and we don't even mean to be, just we stomp around and make sure everything is done right. And if it isn't you hear about it in a instant. :3

                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:09:58 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon Hehe, sounds fun. My mom and I just need to argue with each other often. We don't do it angrily, it just happens. My wife always thinks we hate each other, but that's just our way. xD

                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:13:16 UTC from web
                    1. @jinroh Mmhm -nods- I find it helps me bond stronger with my mother, we say what we mean to each other and get on with it.

                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:14:02 UTC from web
                      1. @mrdragon Yes, that's a great way to be, no need to be fake and sugar coated. I don't terribly like fake people. There are times when its necessary, but it's not preferable. xD

                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:16:56 UTC from web
                        1. @jinroh Mmhm, always a good way to be ^.^

                          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:17:32 UTC from web
                          1. @mrdragon Yes! I heartily agree.

                            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:20:12 UTC from web
                          2. @mrdragon Thanks for sharing, you're so very interesting. ^^ People here are such neanderthals. "Sports. Ug. Trucks Ug. Beer Ug." Give me a break.

                            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:22:05 UTC from web
                            1. @jinroh Anytime, I enjoy talking. I'm not afraid to hide away, I enjoy talking. I talk a lot in RL :3

                              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:24:02 UTC from web
                              1. @mrdragon Haha we'd make a good pair, I enjoy talking, but I'm a great listener. ^^

                                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:26:00 UTC from web
                                1. @jinroh Ditto really, I seem to be the shoulder ponies come to when they have issues. I don't know why, but I've had over the past few weeks total random ponies come to me and spill their issues. And helped all of them, idk, I just seem to be the guy to talk to :3

                                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:27:12 UTC from web
                                  1. @mrdragon Yes, I can see that. ^^ You seem very warm, sweet, caring, etc. I could see myself doing the same if I ever decided to deal with things through bouts of doing silly things when everypony is asleep. hehe. I am like that to my friends as well. My one friend does this religiously. Whenever a girl dumps him, he just has to call me up, find me, whatever. Then I always have to cheer him back to normalcy. ^^

                                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:31:19 UTC from web
                                    1. @jinroh I've had a rough month with my own emotional issues, thanks to certain things. But at last i am no longer smiling with a fake smile but with my usual self, back to working at full strength and sorting things out.

                                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:34:46 UTC from web
                                      1. @mrdragon I know I'm jumping onto the tail end of the conversation here and that I don't know you, but glad things have worked out for you, man. c:

                                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:39:26 UTC from web
                                        1. @anubins No such thing as a tail end with me ^.^ thanks!

                                          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:40:03 UTC from web
                                          1. @mrdragon Man, that line, with no context? O.o Crazygonuts. :p

                                            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 14:37:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                            1. @scribus Now Spell: Carp for Brains

                                              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 14:38:46 UTC from web
                                            2. @scribus I see what you did there, :P

                                              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 14:39:05 UTC from web
                                          2. @mrdragon Oh dear luna...

                                            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:24:17 UTC from web
                                          3. @mrdragon Please let that just drift out of sight..

                                            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:24:47 UTC from web
                                          4. @mrdragon Every time I read that... I can't help but visualise you in the form of a ring.

                                            Thursday, 06-Oct-11 19:57:41 UTC from web
                                      2. @mrdragon Awww...I'm sorry to hear you had a rough patch recently. I'm glad you're back to been pinkie keen though! You certainly don't deserve any garbage that life throws at you. *huggle*

                                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:41:10 UTC from web
                                        1. @jinroh Life looks at me and get's annoyed, no matter what it does, no matter what it tried. It can't keep me down, it get's worse and worse, but I just laugh it off and work harder to beat it. I always bounce back ^.^

                                          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:42:14 UTC from web
                                          1. @mrdragon I know exactly how you feel. It seems everywhere I look, somehow life wants me to feel inferior. Life won't get us down though. We are the Iron Pony!

                                            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:44:20 UTC from web
                                            1. @jinroh I look at it and look at what I do, I can't be down, I can't be out. I have a forum to run and this place to help moderate, as well as friends who would stand by me to the end. Ponies brought out the friendship in me :3

                                              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:45:45 UTC from web
                                              1. @mrdragon Yes, it would be a lonely place here without you. ^^ I agree, I was mostly a lone wolf before ponies. Now i'm very much happier overall in my life thanks to them. ^^

                                                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:49:03 UTC from web
                                                1. @jinroh It's amazing really, so many people bash it, and hate it and says it for 'Girls'. Yet look at us two. Our lives have changed for the better because of it, I have NO feeling of regret to say I am a brony. My life was.. Crap to be blunt, no I would NEVER look back on it.

                                                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:50:12 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mrdragon Yes, I agree, I love telling people that I'm a brony. I talk about Ponies about 90% the time I'm awake, the other 10% I'm eating. xD If only people would have an open minds maybe their lives could improve for the better like ours did. I'd never return to my pre-pony life either.

                                                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:54:22 UTC from web
                                                    1. @jinroh @mrdragon Its helped me too, I can't deny it... given certain things a good deal more clarity.

                                                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:55:36 UTC from web
                                                      1. @pawnheart Indeed, everypony I met down at that meetup was happy and a full of life. It's the first meetup were I've seen such happiness, so that was proff.

                                                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:56:39 UTC from web
                                                      2. @pawnheart Yes, it is very theraputic, and yes as @thelastgherkin says, Go eat! xD

                                                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:57:48 UTC from web
                                                    2. @jinroh The fandom is growing at a amazing rate. And if it keeps going, we are getting more famous people involved. And when that happens, people see their role models in it and they to join. It won't be long. And we will have taken over the world for good.

                                                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:55:49 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mrdragon Yes, the inevitability is inevitable. hehe. It just can't happen soon enough. A ponified world will be a better world.

                                                        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:57:16 UTC from web
          2. @mrdragon Well its nice to hear that she's cool about it, at least... He'll have to deal with it, as you surely know. You shared something with him that must have been pretty difficult to get out... sometimes ponies don't see that as a special gesture in itself. I hope he realises it sooner or later. Excuse me... I'm just babbling now...

            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:04:21 UTC from web
            1. @pawnheart Don't worry about it, this was about a year ago. I stay far away from him, and he can't stand it. But he needs to earn my respect back, until then I won't deal with him.

              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:05:30 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon Can't be easy... but it sounds like you know where you stand. I doff my cap to you, sire.

                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:07:42 UTC from web
                1. @pawnheart I've never been one for just sitting around and waiting for things, I rather speak the truth and be done with it. The truth CAN hurt, but lying will only make it worce.

                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:08:54 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon I have much respect for that philosophy. So does Applejack. And that makes you awesome.

                    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:11:14 UTC from web
                    1. @pawnheart ^.~

                      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:11:29 UTC from web
                2. @pawnheart Its a WW1 cap. Unless you'd prefer my plastic fedora? Seriously, those are the options. I thought I picked the more dignified of the two to do my doffing... anyway...

                  Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 13:10:03 UTC from web
    2. @zach121k Your brother sounds like a class A jackass.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:53:47 UTC from web
    3. @zach121k What are your thoughts on it though? I mean what do you think they might do?

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:55:38 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon My parents would have tried to pray it away, or kick my flank. So I just keep feelings like that tucked away.

        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 12:59:05 UTC from web
    4. @zach121k What have you done now Zack... Tell me

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 15:46:18 UTC from web
    5. @zach121k Zack, shin up. Cmon, you cannot live in a pesamistic state forever, you need to keep positive or things will only get worse.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:03:20 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon there is my LOYAL servant. I looked EVERYWHERE For you.

        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:06:07 UTC from web
        1. @madflavors I was FIXING the issues you have. Forgotten about. That was were I was your highness.

          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:06:52 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon oh THANK YOU you are in for such a BIG REWARD.

            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:09:26 UTC from web
            1. @madflavors I better be as well.

              Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:11:09 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon oh don't worry it'll be GREAT trust me. We just need a few...THINGS first. And some TIME lots of TIME

                Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:15:14 UTC from web
    6. @zach121k Good, glad to hear it. Won't have no people down and out around me, gota keep going if you want to get anywhere.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:04:57 UTC from web
    7. @zach121k Trust yourself, and the friends around you.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 16:07:59 UTC from web
    8. @twixie I do have a tail.. It's... erm...

      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:25:34 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon *Nom* I"ve got it!

        Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:26:10 UTC from web
        1. @kiousu Eap! -is tail nommed-

          Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:26:39 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon Damn straight

            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 13:30:43 UTC from web