

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @wiipony I was going to say PICK ME I'LL DO IT but instead I'm just going to frown at you for using the word 'mangoes'.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:02:35 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin I really thought you said 'pickle me I'll do it' at first

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:27:01 UTC from web
        1. @trister Being pickled is my special talent.

          Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:28:11 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin that's a very interesting talent you have there... may I ask how you got it?

            Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:32:02 UTC from web
            1. @trister One day I was swimming in vinegar. The rest is history.

              Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:35:09 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin wow... that's a wonderful story! I should try that

                Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:36:11 UTC from web
    2. @wiipony Read title, closed window, lost yet more faith in this fandom.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:03:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @wiipony I read it all before in the 90's when it was called the Burned Fur movement.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:05:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    4. @wiipony Homosexual people have despicable behaviour? Is that what you're saying? That sounds like what you're saying.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:05:52 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin That's how I read it.

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:07:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    5. @wiipony You're right. No-one at all is going to be offended by the word mangoes. Still, I think you should change it to 'ponymangoesrs' just to make sure.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:09:32 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin *silent applause*

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:10:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    6. @wiipony

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:12:56 UTC from web
    7. @wiipony Exactly!

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:16:42 UTC from web
    8. @wiipony Let's be honest, I'm mostly on board with the things you're saying. This fandom does need a bit of a shake up. But I also think that by not respecting my views of being fundamentally goddamn insulted by your use of a derogatory term for homosexuals, you're not really practising the 'love and tolerance' that you preach.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:16:59 UTC from web
    9. @wiipony basiclly because on-topic can cause arguments, I find it best to troll over sensitive things to avoid confrontations.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:18:08 UTC from web
      1. @firestormdangerdash I'm with you on this, there's no point in debating this topic. Things may or may not happen, so be it. Now how about that Pinkie Pie eh? pretty crazy

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:30:10 UTC from web
    10. @wiipony Well if you put it like that, sure. But nothing is calling me out or trying to fight with me. . . yet.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:21:25 UTC from web
    11. @wiipony Trying to carve up the fandom based on what you find acceptable and discarding the bits you don't not only won't help anything, it'll actively harm the fandom by making it less approachable and fun.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:21:26 UTC from web
    12. @wiipony I can honestly say there IS no 'true brony way'. Everyone is going to disagree as to what that even means. Bloody hell, look! We're doing it RIGHT NOW.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:25:28 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin BAM that is why war happens. I wrote a paper just yesterday about this. I thought it up on the spot, no research needed! BOOYEAH!

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:27:14 UTC from web
    13. @wiipony I have a knack for getting into trouble but staying out of fights. Basically I browsed a lot of fandoms with bad names and only ever found good people. Yet I always hear how many dicks are in them. *shrugs*

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:25:39 UTC from web
    14. @wiipony The lack of tolerance like trying to drive people you don't approve of out of a fandom they might well love?

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:27:48 UTC from web
    15. @wiipony I mean you might as well come out and say you've got a problem with the porn, rather than trying saying "foul artwork"

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:28:32 UTC from web
    16. @wiipony Yup. Personal opinion if there is ever a problem with anything I have to blame the human element. no matter what you have, throw humans into the mix and it can get pretty messed up.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:33:40 UTC from web
    17. @wiipony Perhaps so, but vaguely insulting and heavy-handed attempts to drive people you don't like out of the fandom is not the right way to do it.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:34:37 UTC from web
    18. @wiipony I don't really consider that some guy who gets his rocks off to drawings of fluttershy and rarity is causing me "Suffering" on any level. Your view on what constitutes acceptable conduct is not objective.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:36:37 UTC from web
    19. @wiipony Keeping innocence in my mind towards the show and characters is a worthy challenge to me. With so many rewards. :)

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:42:56 UTC from web
    20. @wiipony Who are you to make that call? Who are you to decide what everyone should think is 'necessary' to fix something that you've not even convinced me is broken?

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:44:06 UTC from web
    21. @wiipony Utterly ridiculous and bombastic rhetoric aside, no, it doesn't bother me because I don't consider myself the arbiter of "proper usage".

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:46:11 UTC from web
    22. @wiipony I think your real motive here is that you're ashamed to call yourself a brony in public and you want all the inconvenient parts of the fandom to go away so that you can label yourself more easily.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:47:38 UTC from web
    23. @wiipony Translation: "la la la la la la la can't hear you! I'm going now!"

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:49:27 UTC from web
    24. @wiipony I don't know about that. If you're going to continue to try and shatter apart a fandom I quite like for the sake of your own pride, then I suspect we'll continue to cross paths.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:50:55 UTC from web
    25. @wiipony Good theory. But in some causes standing up for others is not a good move. Stubbornness causes wars and having a fandom tear itself apart is not usually a good thing. You must choose your battles. In this case, let everyone do what they want. And hope the light side is more then the dark side. In a sense.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:56:28 UTC from web
    26. @wiipony 69, I win, give me the prize.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 14:57:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
    27. @wiipony If the had pride in it in the first place, they'd be willing to say, "look at me, I embrace this group in all its glory, and with all its flaws", not "I'll only take pride in this if someone sanitises it for me".

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:01:36 UTC from web
    28. @wiipony You know the holy crusades was based with the same idea I bet. Besides, you can not have the fandom you dream. Because humans. Seriously. Humans...

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:05:08 UTC from web
    29. @wiipony @firestormdangerdash so was the holocaust

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:06:57 UTC from web
    30. @wiipony Fair enough.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:10:18 UTC from web
    31. @wiipony you're still saying "There is something wrong with these people and I am the cure". This is an inherently divisive belief to hold. Merely the fact that these people don't feel they need rehabilitating, and are, in fact, happy with who they are, puts them in opposition to you.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:12:03 UTC from web
    32. @wiipony Scoot Nukem says: Ad hominem doesn't lead to constructive discourse. Hail to the king, filly.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:20:18 UTC from web
    33. @wiipony You're correct: I don't find there to be anything wrong with them. I don't like some of the things I've seen, but I don't find them to be /wrong/ on any level.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 15:25:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    34. @wiipony ....But you aren't denying 69 is the winning number eh?

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:02:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
    35. @thatonepony Ha. Funny. Is that what we have been reduced to? Talking about our sexual encounters on the consumer holiday?

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:08:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcino Some of us are talking about super important pony things... like Luna guitars. ;p

        Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:10:16 UTC from web
        1. @forestrain Boring.

          Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:11:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
    36. @thatonepony I'll take your word for it.

      Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 16:11:02 UTC from StatusNet Android