

  1. I hate that constant, day-to-day feeling of being almost out of time, especially now when I can look back on the last few years of my life and see clearly that I've really had all the time in the world. All of it wasted being paralyzed by fear of something that *could* happen at any moment but never has. Why do I do this to myself? How is it that I can recognize, acknowledge, and admit exactly what I am doing wrong and still do nothing at all to fix it? I hope that someday I can find the answer to this question.

    Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:49:12 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel What are you afraid of?

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:52:38 UTC from web
      1. @firestormdangerdash Running out of time.

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:53:39 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel There's a way to avoid running out of time. As I do, leave all else and focus on fixing the faults of your being and reaching apotheosis.

          Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:56:46 UTC from web
        2. @toksyuryel Well if it makes ME feel any better, as it does, I don't worry about time. Ever. So far I have had to much time, drags on and on. So I enjoy relaxing. *nods approvingly to self* Now about holding a job longer then a month... Oh dear... Future drifter here! *hero pose*

          Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:04:42 UTC from web
    2. @toksyuryel I think we all get that from time to time. Some of us get it more often than others, or almost constantly. Though, sometimes I think it may be a sort of psychological construct... despite actually having accomplished things, and affected people's lives by our actions, we look back on our time spent and see all the times we weren't doing that. We focus on the time we spent resting, recouperating, and just living, and see it as a negative... instead of focusing on all the good we did during those times we were active...

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:53:44 UTC from web
      1. @forestrain I don't doubt that I've certainly brought plenty of happiness to a few people, but I've made no progress in ensuring a sustainable future for myself.

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:55:46 UTC from web
    3. @toksyuryel being aware of the past is important, but without sufficient awareness of the present you'll always have a hard time applying the lessons you've learned. Too often we run from what we're feeling or try to control our thoughts and emotions rather than simply observing them.. When we learn how to deal with our inner world in a gentle caring way we then can begin to guide ourselves out of old patterns that we feel hurt us.

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:54:47 UTC from web
      1. ^- What @pony said.

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:56:38 UTC from web
      2. @pony It could be the hostile environment that I live in that doesn't give me the opportunity to feel comfortable slowing down enough to be able to reflect like that. But maybe I just need to do it anyway no matter how uncomfortable it is, because I can't escape this environment without doing so.

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 06:58:23 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel I think you're correct. It's important to observe your inner self when you're both comfortable and uncomfortable, otherwise you allow your discomfort to control you rather than simply exist inside of you. I can't give you a complete explanation of what I'm talking about, but I can recommend a book, namely [i]The Miracle of Mindfulness[/i] by Thich Nhat Hanh.

          Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:03:29 UTC from web
          1. @pony Egghead.

            Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:06:04 UTC from web
            1. @firestormdangerdash hehe!

              Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:06:52 UTC from web
              1. @pony The adventures of Daring Do does not fall into the egghead category Twi. It is to awesomely amazing for that. *shifty eyes*

                Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:10:46 UTC from web
                1. @firestormdangerdash I suppose not. Still, your # makes me smile.

                  Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:12:15 UTC from web
                  1. @pony # Why didn't I think of that? But thank you! Being awesome and cool is enough for me, but being able to throw smiling faces into it is a nice bonus. *hears distant chanting* (Distant chant: Must be Rainbow Dash! Gotta fly!

                    Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 17:02:57 UTC from web
                2. @firestormdangerdash I have # pic

                  Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 07:16:16 UTC from web