

  1. I feel like RDN was a lot better when I first joined.

    Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:06:42 UTC from web
    1. @zimzap It was

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:07:10 UTC from web
    2. @zimzap Can I borrow your nostalgia goggles?

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:09:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada it was a month ago don't be a troll

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:14:17 UTC from web
        1. @zimzap I don't see how the site could have possibly gotten worse.

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:18:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @redenchilada time flies, there's all the stuff about an RDN shutdown

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:19:32 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 Oh yeah. The site HAS gotten worse!

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:20:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @greydragon412 You ought to be punished! Ruining our fine site like that! Bad Dragon! Bad!

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:20:53 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Oh, this isn't a newspaper I'm hitting you with. But let's not talk more about what it actually is. Bad Dragon!

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:22:36 UTC from web
    6. @greydragon412 @flaxx You foalks are terrible... got a quart of brainbleach I can borrow?

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:24:24 UTC from web
      1. @chiefanchor Nope! You have to live on with the memory of this forever!

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:25:34 UTC from web
    7. @greydragon412 You know what the funny thing is? I ordered something for an IRL friend today, and then I talked to him and hinted that I bought him something from Bad Dragon. He seems pretty upset.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:24:57 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 I know you wouldn't. But I don't think he's into that. Still, it'll be worth it when he sees what it actually is, because I know he'll love it. :3

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:27:47 UTC from web
    9. @greydragon412 Well, he's a huge Guild Wars fan, and pretty much all he ever talks about is Guild Wars 2, so I ordered one of these for him:

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:31:56 UTC from web
    10. @greydragon412 It is, isn't it? Not very expensive either. :3

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 18:42:11 UTC from web