

  1. Guys why does C++ have to be so confusing.

    Friday, 20-Apr-12 20:58:56 UTC from web
    1. @yodelerty Because it is terrible. You shouldn't use it unless you have to (i.e., use it if the project you're working on is already written in it, but don't start new projects using it)

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:00:43 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel What programming languages DO you like?

        Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:02:55 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark C, Python, and Java are the ones at the top of my list right now for learning. In the future I'd also like to investigate Haskel and Ruby, both seem interesting. Cobra also looks pretty nice.

          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:05:39 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel You LIKE Java, but you think C++ is horrible? I'm a little confused.

            Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:06:13 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Java actually has something unique going for it in JIT. I think that's an incredibly amazing piece of technology and I really want to make use of it. I've also got a friend IRL who's been talking my ear off about how great Java is and how it only seems bad because nearly all Java programmers just suck at writing it, so I want to at least give it a chance.

              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:10:11 UTC from web
            2. @ceruleanspark Also the idea that in principle Java code should execute just fine on any platform Java supports is something I quite like. The less time I have to spend explicitly coding support for Windows, the happier I will be.

              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:12:30 UTC from web
              1. @toksyuryel In principle, but almost never in practise. It ends up more like web development, where you develop a nice app for the platform you use, then go back and molest it for compatibility with the others after the fact.

                Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:13:35 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark My philosophy in web development is thus: I don't care at all if it works in IE. If a site I make does happen to work in IE, I assure you it's entirely by accident.

                  Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:15:07 UTC from web
                  1. @toksyuryel I am going to take a wild guess that you are not paid to develop webs.

                    Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:16:00 UTC from web
                    1. @ceruleanspark I've requested not to be paid because I don't yet trust myself to not get distracted from it, and since I've largely just been phoning it in because I've grown to hate xml and all languages derived from it, but they sometimes throw money at me anyway.

                      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:19:09 UTC from web
                  2. @toksyuryel Big companies still seem to like IE.

                    Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:16:27 UTC from web
            3. @ceruleanspark C++ is horrible though. Especially in the way it handles inheritance.

              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:12:50 UTC from web
              1. @rotation I wasn't saying C++ wasn't horrible. I was saying they're both horrible.

                Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:14:04 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark I like java. Even tough I can barely use variables/other superbasic stuff :P

          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:07:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @evilderpyshy I personally like AutoItScript. Even though it's Windows-only, it's lightweight and doesn't care if you want a variable to be an int, double, string or whatever, you just put something into the damn variable and it just works. It's so easy, even I can do it.

            Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:09:32 UTC from Choqok
            1. @omni but if its THAT simple, doesn't that mean there's got to be some limitations? (i have learned som super-basic stuff in java, but I don't know If I shouod continue with that, or just go to something else :/ )

              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:16:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @evilderpyshy Well, you can't define a variable to be a certain sort, so you'll probably have to be a bit more careful comparing values with each other. I've used it for a year and still use it every now-and-then, but I guess it's mostly for simple task, no things like pointers in there either.

                Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:21:56 UTC from Choqok
                1. @omni what do you actually use it for, if I may ask?

                  Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:24:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @evilderpyshy I wrote a 600-line-ish program that would clean up your PC by running several Windows clean-up software. It was a disaster, taking control over your keyboard and mouse but it worked. Besides that I created a simple script that takes the date when I was born and the day I became a partner of my owner, and her info, and calculates how much % of our life we are a couple for. And, last but not least, a simple script that uses 18 instances of IE inside the program to crack school passwords. Never used it for anything evil, just forgot my own password and wanted it back without a speech. Unfortunately it DoS'd my school network, but I got my password!

                    Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:27:42 UTC from Choqok
                    1. @omni It's the school's fault for being so easy to DDoS.

                      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:28:38 UTC from web
                      1. @eaglehooves It's pathetic, really. I have a 400kb/s upload speed, and a 1.2MB/s download speed. Taking the fact that my system isn't fast with that it means that they've been taken down by just one average user connection. Well, my system admin learned after a friend of mine made a more efficient way. For me it started to struggle after 10 minutes and went down about 10 minutes later, the friend got it down within 15 seconds. Took him long enough, but he put a connection limit on his Windows Server 2008 box.

                        Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:31:33 UTC from Choqok
                        1. @omni Yea... My university likes to boast about their speed. When the researchers leave for the weekend the bandwidth is insane.

                          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:36:42 UTC from web
                    2. @omni "partner of my owner"? Are you a pet? *pat pat*

                      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:29:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @evilderpyshy Yes, I'm a pet.

                        Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:31:55 UTC from Choqok
                        1. @omni *pat pat* Hey, you want a cookie?

                          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:44:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @evilderpyshy I... don't know o,o I think I'd rather not accept random things like that now o,o

                            Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:47:13 UTC from Choqok
                            1. @omni *sticks cookie in your mouth* you are going to LOVE MEEEE!!!!

                              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:51:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @evilderpyshy that is my text tune =D

                                Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:52:06 UTC from web
                                1. @trister *strokes goatee* I don't know, really...

                                  Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:53:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                2. @trister do you STILL not love her?

                                  Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:55:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @toksyuryel This is for my final exam tomorrow. They insist I know a bunch about C++ and stuff and it makes no sense and stuff. :/

        Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:04:06 UTC from web
        1. @yodelerty Good luck. It makes no sense even to people who've been using it for decades.

          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:06:21 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel Yup. I can smell the imminent failure.

            Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:10:17 UTC from web
    2. @widget True, it does a good job at its task though.

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:22:14 UTC from Choqok
    3. @widget "write to standards, screw IE" sums me up nicely too. Writing to standards gets a little harder once you've had the misfortune of actually *reading* the XML "standard". And CSS seems to just become a clusterbuck no matter what. I hate being jaded, web development used to be so much fun for me ☹

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:23:08 UTC from web
    4. @widget The box model is inconsistent and makes no bucking sense. Floats feel unpredictable. Sometimes a property will do nothing at all for no readily discernible reason. I have to spend hours with firebug just trial and erroring to find the exact incantation that will get the thing to look how I want it to look, and then I have to hope it works the same in all the other browsers' box model (this step is admittedly a lot easier with IE removed from the equation, since its box model is by far the most asinine).

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:30:49 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel While it doesn't help your other complaints, there is actually a (sadly not widely supported yet, afaik) CSS directive that makes the box model consistent across all browsers (that support it). I'll see if I can find the article.

        Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:35:31 UTC from IdentiCurse
        1. @bitshift That would be nice, thanks :D

          Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:38:24 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel Found one (not the original article, but it is one that talks about it), and it looks like browser support has got much more widespread (basically everything still in regular use except IE7 and below) since I last read about it:

            Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:42:22 UTC from IdentiCurse
            1. @bitshift Thanks :D *hug*

              Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:45:57 UTC from web
              1. @toksyuryel No problem. Incidentally, if you don't read Paul Irish's blog, I highly recommend it, it's very good reading for web developers (both professional and amateur). :)

                Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:50:51 UTC from IdentiCurse
    5. @widget My problems with the box model stem from it not being well-defined in the spec, leading to every browser implementing it differently based on how they think it should work. (Honestly, have we learned NOTHING from C++?)

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:32:18 UTC from web
    6. @widget 3's definitely nicer, but support is still pretty limited.

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 21:41:01 UTC from web
    7. @trister *strokes goattee* yea, xD

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 22:02:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @evilderpyshy i'm thinking of getting a few more, add in a bit of variety.

        Friday, 20-Apr-12 22:03:40 UTC from web
        1. @trister *strokes gotten* you should add rarity saying "The most horrible thing ever!" To the drunk people ;)

          Friday, 20-Apr-12 22:06:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @evilderpyshy yeah, I'll have to go through my contacts and give them all a personalised pony quote

            Friday, 20-Apr-12 22:23:10 UTC from web
    8. @widget In any browser that support display: table; and its family (table-cell, table-row, and possibly others), you can do it that way if you absolutely _must_ have two (or more) columns keep the same height. I think it's only older IEs that don't support it, too, so that's a plus.

      Friday, 20-Apr-12 22:49:36 UTC from IdentiCurse