

  1. Hot dog, this site has changed!

    Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:17:40 UTC from web
    1. @coffeecream Hey! :D

      Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:20:58 UTC from web
    2. @tenebarius Indeed it has. It took Red months of coding and me months of testing but we actually did it. The task that stymied 4 generations of site admins, it's finally complete

      Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:22:56 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark And now we all sht it down and move on with our lives

        Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:24:23 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon aw really? Dang. Wepl, it's been real guys. Bye

          Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:27:04 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark For some reason, the grouped replies disappeared when I logged in. Was that supposed to happen?

        Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:24:58 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius Yes. In the account menu, there's a tab called "Old School", which controls the display of the timeline, letting you pick between the old linear style, and the newer, threaded style. All existing users were opted into "Old School" by default to cut down on "You changed it now it sucks" whining.

          Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:33:51 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Honestly, I think the change is brilliant.

            Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:35:27 UTC from web
            1. @tenebarius Aww. Well, I can't take credit for the design, only the testing and implementation server side. That credit lies with @redenchilada

              Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:36:50 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark It was a team effort, and you guys did well!

                Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:39:34 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark you reverted my changes now it sucks *whine*

            Saturday, 30-Nov-13 11:06:32 UTC from web
    3. @coffeecream Tired! I should have been in bed hours ago. I'm only awake to say hi to you guys. <3

      Friday, 29-Nov-13 09:31:14 UTC from web