

  1. oh, i found this pic again

    Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:19:17 UTC from web
    1. @oracle meh

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:21:35 UTC from web
    2. @oracle You keep telling yourself that...

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:22:25 UTC from web
    3. @oracle Psychological research, conspiracy theory, and near unanimously considered hoax.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:26:56 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal You're such a downer.

        Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:27:19 UTC from web
        1. @flamingpandaomg Nah, just bipolar.

          Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:28:15 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal That's all I'm saying. ;-;

            Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:33:28 UTC from web
            1. @flamingpandaomg wow

              Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:37:27 UTC from web
    4. @randomwonderbolt i own 6 of them myself

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:29:32 UTC from web
    5. @oracle Oh, I've read into events at Montauk Air Force Station. And there's plenty more respectable that's come from the US, not just some grouping of military experiments that spawned a few conspiracies because of their enigmatic nature.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:34:26 UTC from web
    6. @oracle Some psychological military experiments that happened ~3 decades ago doesn't prove the existence of alternate universes or anything else out of a sci-fi novel. Heck, it's not even theory material, it's more of a hypothesis. You're drawing facts from conclusions when it should be the other way around.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:39:08 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal An alternate universe would be cool though.

        Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:39:53 UTC from web
        1. @potatow Oh, it definitely would be. And it's not impossible either, I'm just being a downer as per usual.

          Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:42:04 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal Alrighty... I was just Skyping and whatnot.

            Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:48:54 UTC from web
            1. @potatow I just finished some bio work, figured I'd stop by here for a bit.

              Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:49:51 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal Cool.

                Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:50:09 UTC from web
    7. @oracle > secure communication > types in ROT13 which is decoded with one button.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:43:44 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg >pointing out someone's use of ROT13
        >implying said person actually thinks of it as a secure mode of communication

        Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:45:54 UTC from web
    8. @oracle Who do you think is after you? We're on a pseudo-social netowork centered around a children's cartoon. Believe me, if someone didn't want you knowing what you claim, they'd make you *aware*.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:46:31 UTC from web
    9. @oracle Precaution from what, though?

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:47:31 UTC from web
    10. @oracle This won't get you in legal trouble, you can take off your tinfoil hat now.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:48:49 UTC from web
    11. @oracle All I'm saying is that there's a time and place for everything. I get worried about being spied on too, but there are some things I could honestly care less about. HEY NSA, IF YOU CAN SEE THIS, KISS MY ASS!

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:51:42 UTC from web
    12. @oracle As a physics student, I would be interested to hear about these experiments.

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:54:32 UTC from web
    13. @oracle I dunno how secure you want, do you have any ideas?

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 02:56:58 UTC from web
    14. @oracle what are these?

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 03:00:01 UTC from web
    15. @oracle these

      Monday, 16-Dec-13 03:03:37 UTC from web
    16. @kumo It's a shame Oracle deleted all of his accounts because I'm pretty sure this dash was one of the ones he responded to with NSA conspiracy crap.

      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 15:20:14 UTC from web