

  1. I feel like I'm going to burst into flames for saying this, but the new Call of Duty trailer actually looks...... good.

    Friday, 02-May-14 17:51:45 UTC from web
    1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Well, looks is one thing. Look at the E.T. Commercial...

      Friday, 02-May-14 17:52:09 UTC from web
      1. @anima Or Watch_Dogs. The original trailer looks super good but the more they release the more it's just.......ehhhhhhh.

        Friday, 02-May-14 17:54:11 UTC from web
        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx But I'll be damned to say: The CoD-series /is/ good. It's one of the most selling series and, even though I can't stand playing(loosing) more than 3 rounds in a row, and then quit, it does it's job to entertain.

          Friday, 02-May-14 17:58:51 UTC from web
          1. @anima Yeah, I know a lot of people that are really fond of it. It's never really appealed to me, though I did own most of them as it was one of the ways to spend time with my dad and brothers. Though I was really good at WaW online during college.

            Friday, 02-May-14 18:00:17 UTC from web
            1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Yeah, well, I've gotta say, playing it with friends is fun, alright. But online, hell no. Too much bad energy xD I prefer other multiplayer games. With some friendlier community or some better gameplay, like Dota or Trouble In Terrorist Town

              Friday, 02-May-14 18:10:48 UTC from web
              1. @anima Yeah, I made the mistake of getting on there and using a mic and opening my mouth. That's instant harassment right there. -_- That and I sorta suck at them at this point. I can get good again, but I don't feel like dropping that sort of effort into it.

                Friday, 02-May-14 18:12:05 UTC from web
                1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Yeah, why would you?

                  Friday, 02-May-14 18:25:03 UTC from web
                  1. @anima What, speak? Stupidity I suppose. I think it was during nazi zombies so I was trying to be semi tactical. That backfired.

                    Friday, 02-May-14 18:26:37 UTC from web
                    1. @xeleanorxrigbyx No, put that much effort into ti.

                      Friday, 02-May-14 18:28:18 UTC from web
                      1. @anima Ah I see. I was in college with downtime. Now I've got other things to do. Some people enjoy playing it for hours on end though. I don't quite understand that.

                        Friday, 02-May-14 18:29:20 UTC from web
                        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Well, I did that with Dota a few weeks ago. Was satisfying.

                          Friday, 02-May-14 18:32:33 UTC from web
              2. @anima Isn't dota's community toxic or something

                Friday, 02-May-14 18:12:56 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada No, it's very friendly

                  Friday, 02-May-14 18:24:26 UTC from web
                  1. @anima I'm just going by what I've heard

                    Friday, 02-May-14 18:46:35 UTC from web
                2. @redenchilada League of Legends is the one with the terrible community

                  Friday, 02-May-14 18:54:19 UTC from web
                  1. @cinnamonswirl Maybe dota's the one where they complain about the devs, I don't remember

                    Friday, 02-May-14 18:55:38 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada The devs are /Blizzard/. So depending on who you are they're either incapable of doing wrong, or literally the devil.

                      Friday, 02-May-14 18:56:18 UTC from web
                      1. @cinnamonswirl (Dota 2 is Valve, actually)

                        Friday, 02-May-14 18:57:23 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot Is it? Well the same thing really

                          Friday, 02-May-14 18:57:45 UTC from web
    2. @xeleanorxrigbyx That's what trailers are supposed to do. Look good, but in the end the final product is going to be bad.

      Friday, 02-May-14 17:52:28 UTC from web
      1. @meloetta I don't know. I've seen the rest of the commercials for the other ones and I didn't really see the hype. This one seems interesting.

        Friday, 02-May-14 17:53:40 UTC from web
        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Meh looks like destruction of a Metal Gear without a Metal Gear.

          Friday, 02-May-14 17:54:18 UTC from web
          1. @meloetta Eh, I don't plan on buying it, but I'm sure it'll waste some time. If nothing else I'll just delete it.

            Friday, 02-May-14 17:54:53 UTC from web
            1. @xeleanorxrigbyx we know the best game out there is Metal Gear Rising *cough cough* totallyhasnotbeenplayingitforhours *cough cough*

              Friday, 02-May-14 17:56:47 UTC from web
              1. @meloetta I heard that game was sorta.... repetitive.

                Friday, 02-May-14 17:57:34 UTC from web
                1. @xeleanorxrigbyx repetitive? It has a huge replay value. The only thing I don't like if I want to battle a boss (except Jetstream Sam) I have to play the whole chapter to get to the boss.

                  Friday, 02-May-14 17:58:32 UTC from web
                  1. @meloetta Isn't that like most stuff?

                    Friday, 02-May-14 17:59:17 UTC from web
                2. @xeleanorxrigbyx ell, so is assassins creed, and people like it

                  Friday, 02-May-14 18:03:48 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi What, repetitive? Yeah. The first one put me to sleep. I like the second one but it has to be played in chunks.

                    Friday, 02-May-14 18:05:54 UTC from web
                    1. @xeleanorxrigbyx i've olayed only the first one. my sister has the whole series, but i have not felt like playing that

                      Friday, 02-May-14 18:07:50 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi Yeah, the first one is really monotonous, and that puts me off games. I'm playing Prototype currently and I don't know how long I'll stick with that if it keeps up with the pace it's currently at.

                        Friday, 02-May-14 18:12:38 UTC from web
                        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx well, i mainly like j-rpgs

                          Friday, 02-May-14 18:13:43 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi Ah I see. There's a genre I never really touched. :/

                            Friday, 02-May-14 18:14:20 UTC from web
                            1. @xeleanorxrigbyx J games have always interested me more, unfortunatelly they are gettign less and less popuular sicne ps3 generation and many of them never get translated to english

                              Friday, 02-May-14 18:16:13 UTC from web
                              1. @mushi Even through fan projects they don't get translated? That seems to be where all the work is anymore.

                                Friday, 02-May-14 18:20:08 UTC from web
                        2. @xeleanorxrigbyx MGR is amazing. The mehanics /are/ repetitive, but it's so fast paced that it doesn't matter. Prototype is good and gets some better pacing in the latter half of the game but once you finish the main story it becomes kind of bland. Even more so if you finish all the challenges in gold and out of the blue you unlock platinum tier medals. That was the point at which I just uninstalled it.

                          Saturday, 03-May-14 22:28:55 UTC from web