

  1. Hello! I am new to this entire website, so can anypony give me some helpful tips on how to get started? Thanks in advance!

    Sunday, 25-May-14 02:54:37 UTC from web
    1. @nightshade142 Welcome!

      Sunday, 25-May-14 02:54:38 UTC from Gravity Falls, OR
      1. @welcomepony Thanks! I appreciate the support! :)

        Sunday, 25-May-14 03:00:54 UTC from web
    2. @nightshade142 How about tell us about yourself, what brought you here, things like that? And Welcome! (if you want to directly reply to someone, just click on the arrow button at the lower right of their post).

      Sunday, 25-May-14 02:57:21 UTC from web
      1. @beautifawl Well am 12, and I have been a fan of the show for about a year. Though I have only started becoming active and telling people 4-5 months ago. The reson I am here is I google'd Brony Sites. Thanks for the support! :)

        Sunday, 25-May-14 03:00:38 UTC from web
    3. @nightshade142 Hi, and welcome to RDN! There's few functions to get used to. Under a post you have a heart icon to favourite a notice, an arrow button to reply to a notice directly, and a loop button to repeat a notice. Then there are direct messages you can send to other users if you're both mutually subscribed, or to the staff directly.

      Sunday, 25-May-14 02:57:35 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Thanks! I really appreciate the help!

        Sunday, 25-May-14 02:59:10 UTC from web
    4. @nightshade142 Yo, welcome to the site. Um, best piece of advice I can give you is to be open minded to all the different kinds of folks here. Other than that, just don't be shy and hit up a conversation. We're a bit weird but we don't bite (well, as far as my knowledge goes).

      Sunday, 25-May-14 02:57:40 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal

        Sunday, 25-May-14 02:58:22 UTC from web
      2. @northernnarwhal thanks! I would never judge anypony based on what they look like or like.

        Sunday, 25-May-14 02:58:47 UTC from web
    5. @nightshade142 The only tip I can really provide is "read the FAQ and if you still have specific questions, ask them here and someone will answer for you", but welcome to the site anyway!

      Sunday, 25-May-14 02:58:13 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Ok thanks for the tip! :)

        Sunday, 25-May-14 03:01:53 UTC from web
        1. @nightshade142 Yeah, familiarizing yourself with those will help out a lot. And since no one else has mentioned, don't forget to have fun too!

          Sunday, 25-May-14 03:03:22 UTC from web