

  1. Before I start colouring this, is there anything obviously wrong with this sketch that I just haven't noticed?

    Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:05:07 UTC from web
    1. @scoot I'm not in it.

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:05:39 UTC from web
      1. @cinnamonswirl no room for nerds in my art sorry

        Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:07:17 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Well there's no room for /you/ on my website.

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:07:52 UTC from web
    2. @scoot Not as far as I can see. Good work so far, by the way!

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:06:02 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation Thanks, I wanted to do an actual illustration for once, realised my whole tumblr was all doodles

        Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:06:30 UTC from web
    3. @scoot If that's the Tower of the Gods to the right, you probably wouldn't see that the base thing is round as you're seeing it straight from the side and not from the air.

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:08:13 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx It's gonna be completely in shadow when I colour it, so it'll probably be fine? I just didnt want it to look like a tetris piece

        Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:08:52 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Yeah, it's probably no problem. Just thought I'd point it out because other than that I can't see anything wrong with it. Good luck colouring it!

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:09:43 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx Thanks!

            Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:10:51 UTC from web
    4. @scoot Like, I have the most minor of all possible nitpicks, but if it's WW Link then his costume has long sleeves and his boots come up higher. But if that's your own design decision that's cool too.

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:09:59 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin I modified it yeah, I was using Wind Waker as a base at first but sort of went my own way with it.

        Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:12:14 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Oh yeah neat. Literally the only things "wrong" in this sketch are just super pedantic nerdy-type things. You're good to go I think.

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:15:13 UTC from web
    5. @scoot (Also shield and scabbard)

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:11:35 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin (Considered it but then I have to draw more things and I am lazy)

        Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 21:12:48 UTC from web