Why Americans don't like Russian people? We aren't kill people, we are not a Nazi, how west Ukraine.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:07:10 UTC from web-
@ponfive Probably mainly because Putin is kind of a bigot
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:08:01 UTC from web -
@ponfive Propaganda, as simple as that
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:08:08 UTC from web -
@ponfive We don't hate you, we just hate your leader.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:09:53 UTC from web-
@mrmattimation, and why?
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:12:16 UTC from web-
@ponfive Because he's a jackass.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:12:36 UTC from web -
@ponfive As an openly bisexual person, the Russian treatment of homosexuality makes me disappointed and angry.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:12:56 UTC from web-
@scoot they don't have a seperation of church and state. They have an excuse.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:15:02 UTC from web-
@bakasenpai I do not consider there to be any excuse for homophobia.
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:15:26 UTC from web-
@scoot i'm not homophobic. I'm not afraid of gays and I support civil unions but I believe marriage should be left to the church. If a church wants to do gay marriage cool but I don't believe in a sweeping overhaul that redefines "holy matrimony"
Saturday, 21-Jun-14 01:16:21 UTC from web-
Saturday, 21-Jun-14 01:17:08 UTC from web
@ponfive putin is my spirit animal
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:13:15 UTC from web-
@bakasenpai Putin is also a brony
Friday, 20-Jun-14 23:14:11 UTC from web