

  1. First of all, I do not know what this thing is about ... But I have noticed 1 thing. Why are they using the bright side for shielding ? That is sort of shouting "Warning, here I am" no ?

    Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:30:01 UTC from web
    1. @critialcloudkicker That's an awful idea to begin with.

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:31:13 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal America seems opposed to the alternative, aka, remove guns from crazy people

        Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:31:45 UTC from web
        1. @scoot They really like their Second Amendment there. Thankfully gun registration is more prevalent in Canada.

          Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:33:40 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal MURICA! We won't go down without a fight! I think the problem is that we don't have enough guns to stop the crazies. Sane people need to get on the ball and start toting.

            Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:38:49 UTC from web
            1. @pony So you're saying the solution to guns is more guns?

              Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:39:51 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal And training on how to use them for teachers.

                Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:40:14 UTC from web
              2. @northernnarwhal Of course teachers need not actually be trained in gun use... I guess I got carried away there.. maybe just tazers.

                Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:41:36 UTC from web
      2. @northernnarwhal *a little bit of googling* Now this would argueably be a better ( Abeit still rather dolety ) alternative methinks. Because everyone in school has a backpack, so it would be easier to instantly use.

        Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:34:13 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker It would really suck to be a tall kid.

          Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:35:16 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal ( is actully for badminton/tennis )

            Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:36:22 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker It would be damn shame if that tall psychotic killer came and yanked that backpack from the kid.

              Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:37:20 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal It would be a damn shame if a psychotic killer came and had actual intent of killing this one kid. He/She is probably going to find him or her, and when he/she does no amount of protection appart from force-fields and other science fictiony stuff will help anyone

                Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:39:11 UTC from web
                1. @critialcloudkicker Morale of the story, if you want to kill someone, armor does not protect ( period )

                  Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:39:39 UTC from web
                2. @critialcloudkicker I don't think a psychotic killer would walk into a school with a gun if they didn't have the intention of killing someone.

                  Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:41:30 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal Kind of my point.

                    Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:42:54 UTC from web
                    1. @critialcloudkicker I think the bottom line is that bullet proof backpack is silly and wouldn't work in practice.

                      Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:45:18 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal The fact that since the start of this year there have been at least 30 people who conjured a plan of walking into a school with a firearm with intent to fire and executed said plan is the silly bottom line here. If you gave me the option to go to school with or without a shard of Kevlar at the back of my backpack or not, I would happily take the shard of kevlar

                        Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:48:46 UTC from web
                        1. @critialcloudkicker It wouldn't really help in the long run, if the guy really wanted you dead he could easily overpower you.

                          Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:51:44 UTC from web
                          1. @northernnarwhal Agreed, we need to take the guns away from people who shoot up schools, but since that is not happening any time soon I'd wager I would rather see a kevlar shard/mat in my backpack than nothing at all.

                            Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:53:46 UTC from web
                            1. @critialcloudkicker It costs more and I still don't think it would make that much of a difference in the long.

                              Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:58:33 UTC from web
                              1. @northernnarwhal I would buy my own Kevlar mat and sow it into my own backpack if needed be. It's a "Why do you never leave your house without a fork" kinda thing

                                Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:00:27 UTC from web
                                1. @critialcloudkicker Probably because I'm not paranoid to do that sort of thing.

                                  Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:01:23 UTC from web
                                  1. @northernnarwhal Some people are optimists, they take a happy stroll though the park and suddenly find themselves in a thunderstorm, get pneumonia and die. Other people are pessimists, they die due to stress. I am one of those people who takes a fork with them under the presumption "I would rather have a fork and not need it, and not have a fork and need it", I think of myself as a realist.

                                    Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:06:28 UTC from web
                                    1. @critialcloudkicker Who the hell gets pneumonia from a thunderstorm, anyway? Also it's a question of pragmatism. I mean, if that's the case I might as well also start carrying around a life support machine with me everywhere I go on the off chance I suffer a heart attack.

                                      Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:10:32 UTC from web
                                      1. @northernnarwhal Yes, only the life support machine would wreak havoc on your spine because you would need to carry it everywhere. Pretty sure a fork does not do that

                                        Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:12:24 UTC from web
                                        1. @critialcloudkicker My point is that there is such a thing as overpreparing. Sure, it's better to have anything than the inverse, but I can't think of a good reason why I should be carrying around a bloody fork with me everywhere I go.

                                          Friday, 11-Jul-14 15:14:35 UTC from web
          2. @northernnarwhal @critialcloudkicker At least the vital organs minus the brain would be shielded from the back.

            Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:36:46 UTC from web
            1. @pony It's okay, none of us use our brains these days anyway

              Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:38:04 UTC from web
          3. @northernnarwhal Asside from that, it does not look like they had different sizes black/orange shields anyway

            Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:36:59 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker If someone told me to wear that to school I'd probably tell them to bugger off.

              Friday, 11-Jul-14 14:38:49 UTC from web