

  1. What do ya know. This Weeks Dr Who dint totally suck. it was actually, kinda good. a nice thing to come back to after ponycon.

    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:47:37 UTC from web
    1. @vcgriffin None of them have been bad yet

      Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:48:38 UTC from web
      1. @scoot As long as you haven't seen last weeks. I will accept your POV

        Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:49:19 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin I have seen all of them and I enjoyed them.

          Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:49:36 UTC from web
          1. @scoot But Last weeks was just Awful. on so many levels. But especially the science.
            The other parts, just seem broken.

            Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:51:08 UTC from web
            1. @vcgriffin Like I said before I think you just might not like Doctor Who or something because nobody should be complaining about a show this often and still watching it.

              Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:51:51 UTC from web
            2. @vcgriffin "The science was not accurate in Doctor Who!" Read your own message aloud please

              Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:51:53 UTC from web
              1. @scoot Ok you got me. I'll quit.

                Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:52:52 UTC from web
            3. @vcgriffin I hate when the science in my series about a time travelling self resurrecting 1200 year old man is inaccurate.

              Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:51:54 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark I expect basic gravity.

                Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:52:22 UTC from web
                1. @vcgriffin You expect basic gravity but have no issues with a space dragon, or the fact we apparently went from 1 shuttle and 1 astronaut to Bowie Base One in less than a decade

                  Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:53:19 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark I was quitting while I was ahead.
                    I don't expect contunuality from Moffat. He tries, The Coal Hill School was a nice touch. but if we try for a nice moon time line it just aint going to happen.

                    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:57:37 UTC from web
              2. @ceruleanspark He's 2000 years old as of the christmas special so um #

                Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:52:24 UTC from web
              3. @ceruleanspark I really think it's odd when people get upset about lack of scientific consistency in fantasy. I don't expect my fiction to be realistic, but if there's suddenly a second sun in the sky with no explanation it's annoying.

                Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:56:14 UTC from web
                1. @rarity I don't expect Accuracy, I only expect consistency

                  Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:58:18 UTC from web
                  1. @vcgriffin They literally retconned the last six years of the show's history in a single episode last November.

                    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:58:44 UTC from web
                    1. @zeldatra The Time War had to be retconned. What started off as a way to get rid of past baggage had become an albatross around its neck

                      Sunday, 12-Oct-14 21:00:16 UTC from web
                  2. @vcgriffin my philosophy

                    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:58:48 UTC from web
                  3. @vcgriffin You're watching the classic series in order at the moment, right? Let me know how consistency goes when Davros shows up.

                    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 21:03:54 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin I used the wrong word, and I am regretting it.

                      Sunday, 12-Oct-14 21:05:32 UTC from web
                2. @rarity Expecting continuity is understandable to be honest, and I like to think that scientific inaccuracy can be chalked up to artistic license. And honestly, people who point out scientific inaccuracies in telelvision/film are generally kind of obnoxious about it, since the criticism is usually unnecessary.

                  Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:59:25 UTC from web
              4. @ceruleanspark @mrmattimation that was by far the worst eppisode.
                But when you think Frank Skinner represents the best episode, we are in trouble.
                Its like if the McCoy era peaked with Kenn Dodd in Delta and the Bannermen

                Sunday, 07-Dec-14 22:11:10 UTC from web