

  1. RDN: Do you think research on space exploration and reasearch into space related activities is worth the cost?

    Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:52:41 UTC from web
    1. @nethernarwhal Yes. Yes. YES!

      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:53:35 UTC from web
      1. @potatao Any reason why?

        Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:54:11 UTC from web
        1. @nethernarwhal One: WE have only one world, as beautiful as it is, it wont last forever, and frankly, who knows what my grandchildren will be living in. I just hope people in general won't be doomed here. See, I love this world, and, the universe. The more we search out there, I find that I learn more about who we are as a people.
          Two: The universe is amazingly beautiful, it is the abysmal and ever changing unknown. This experience is one of the most humbling fields of work I know, other than Humanitarian centered jobs. But, I would argue that Astronomy and Astrophysics, have a connection to humanitarianism as well. It shows us how truly foolish it is to control the world, which is in of itself, a "Pale Blue Dot". We should be using this small bastion to further understanding of each other, and, I believe Astronomy has coincided with Unity and Global Understanding. People, can be called heros without harming a single soul, and, investing their lives in not just the present, but thefut

          Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:03:36 UTC from web
          1. @potatao Well said!

            Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:21:51 UTC from bti
            1. @loveydoe Hello friend, long time no spoop.

              Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:22:57 UTC from web
            2. @loveydoe Aye!

              Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:27:46 UTC from web
              1. @potatao Wie geht's dir, Freund von mir?

                Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:34:33 UTC from bti
                1. @loveydoe What does that mean? £°µ£°

                  Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:37:59 UTC from web
                  1. @potatao Is that a happy drooling snail?

                    Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:38:27 UTC from web
                    1. @righteousnarwhal [insert Mushi snail]

                      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:39:06 UTC from web
                  2. @potatao Es bedeutet, "How goes it for you, my friend?"

                    Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:39:07 UTC from bti
                    1. @loveydoe Amazingly tird

                      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 02:45:57 UTC from web
    2. @nethernarwhal I'm more an archaeological and anthropological biased person, so no.

      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:53:44 UTC from web
      1. @hawloween That's understandable.

        Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:54:28 UTC from web
      2. @hawloween Just imagine, if we do find another planet with Sentient life on it. A completely new history to dig into.

        Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:54:52 UTC from web
        1. @potatao Until then we still have more than plenty to re-learn and learn here, not to mention problems need fixing in our here and now. Not to say all money going to space exploration is money unwisely spent, it's still important, just in my humble opinion pales in comparison to anthropology.

          Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:56:30 UTC from web
          1. @hawloween but space exloration ends up developing a lot of new technology we can use for stuff in general

            Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:57:52 UTC from web
            1. @kumo Again, is opinion.

              Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:58:18 UTC from web
        2. @potatao This is actually the No.1 cited reason astronomers cite for studying in their field, followed by the search for habitable Earth like planets in the golilocks zone of its respective solar system.

          Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:57:15 UTC from web
          1. @nethernarwhal *goldilocks

            Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:59:50 UTC from web
        3. @potatao Or potential extinction. Trying to establish contact with other sentients without even having the most basic orbital defenses is idiotic.

          Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:59:44 UTC from web
          1. @righteousnarwhal That's assuming sentients are more advanced than us in terms of weaponry and are militantly inclined.

            Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:00:41 UTC from web
            1. @nethernarwhal Assuming they aren't is shortsighted. If we assume they are, and prepare accordingly, and they turn out not to be, we would have just wasted some money. If we assume they aren't, and they are, we'll be extinct.

              Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:03:03 UTC from web
              1. @righteousnarwhal This sounds like the plot of a sci-fi film.

                Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:04:11 UTC from web
                1. @nethernarwhal There are risk that are not to be taken.

                  Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:06:06 UTC from web
    3. @nethernarwhal So far it was not, but you never know, we may find something that will be worth all the cost. That is why we research: To discover new things. And to me, knowlegde is always worth it.

      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 00:58:01 UTC from web
    4. @nethernarwhal If it is aimed at actually developing something, yes.

      Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:00:16 UTC from web