MetalTao (metaltao)'s status on Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:03:36 UTC

  1. @nethernarwhal One: WE have only one world, as beautiful as it is, it wont last forever, and frankly, who knows what my grandchildren will be living in. I just hope people in general won't be doomed here. See, I love this world, and, the universe. The more we search out there, I find that I learn more about who we are as a people.
    Two: The universe is amazingly beautiful, it is the abysmal and ever changing unknown. This experience is one of the most humbling fields of work I know, other than Humanitarian centered jobs. But, I would argue that Astronomy and Astrophysics, have a connection to humanitarianism as well. It shows us how truly foolish it is to control the world, which is in of itself, a "Pale Blue Dot". We should be using this small bastion to further understanding of each other, and, I believe Astronomy has coincided with Unity and Global Understanding. People, can be called heros without harming a single soul, and, investing their lives in not just the present, but thefut

    Saturday, 18-Oct-14 01:03:36 UTC from web in context