

  1. "Don't worry, I've been training to be a Jedi." -an idiot

    Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:16:38 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Being a Jedi is ultra pleb, anyway. The Sith is where it's at. Force lightning?! Hell yes!

      Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:19:04 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation @clayinthecarpet There is no Dark Side, nor a Light side, there is only the Force

      Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:30:06 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker That is a seriously dumb idea. That's like making your original character an alicorn. It takes away all the good story elements and creates a Mary Sue.

        Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:32:56 UTC from web
        1. @clayinthecarpet Too bad Mary Sue is not canon sidenote : I really like MadMunchkin's explanation , but grey jedi's are indeed quite canon, think of Jolee Bondo, Jensaarai, and pretty much ALL of the Mystics from Voss

          Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:39:45 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh, yea, MadMunchkin's explanations are quite entertaining to watch either way, here is a linky

            Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:40:29 UTC from web
          2. @critialcloudkicker If it ever becomes movie canon, I'll pitch a banana fit.

            Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:48:49 UTC from web
            1. @clayinthecarpet Banana fit? Like, epeelepsy?

              Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:49:32 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi YOU WOT M8

                Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:56:56 UTC from web
                1. @clayinthecarpet Get fit on

                  Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:57:05 UTC from web
            2. @clayinthecarpet ... there are way more interesting twirps and tweedles about the whole Star Wars franchise than just Jedi's and Sith's, smugglers, lightsabers and storm/clone-troopers, bountyhunters and intrigue. I only hope we get to see the struggle the remainder of the Empire has to go through on a daily basis now that the chain of command has been horribly mutilated. Who is in charge ? Some Grand Moff ? *shrug* Also now that Disney wields the reins, we might get to properly see just what transpired with Clone Protocol 66 on the big screen

              Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:57:44 UTC from web
            3. @clayinthecarpet Also I really really hate what has happned to the Xmen franchise, movie canon means next to nothing in my book. I'd hate to live in a universe where a nice grey haired man can write books in his workshop all day till he throws a hissy-fit and his epic work is remembered not by his vision, but by the limitations of the big screen. Ex: Geroge R.R Martin, J. R. R. Tolkien, and argueably George Lucas

              Sunday, 18-Jan-15 18:00:54 UTC from web
      2. @critialcloudkicker Gray Jedi more like A VERY LAME JEDI WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHOSE SIDE HE'S ON!!!!!!!

        Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:35:24 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation A side must always be taken, Little Light, even if it is the wrong side.

          Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:41:12 UTC from web
        2. @mrmattimation Its more complicated than just picking sides. Its probably a bit like wanting to end the Battle of Panna, whereas Jedi's loyal to the council could never kill the King of Cron to get what they want, Grey Jedi would do it in a hardbeat, and those loyal ot the Sith would only do so if they had something they could gain from it somehow

          Sunday, 18-Jan-15 17:44:22 UTC from web