

  1. Good morning :3 Yay lyrica!!!

    Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:51:26 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina Goodmorning ^_^ # How are you?

      Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:51:57 UTC from web
      1. @noirbatch # I'm good :3, how about you, @snowswoop and @lyokotravels? :3 also sleep well @yodelerty <3

        Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:05:54 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina I am amazing ^_^ What are you up to?

          Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:07:12 UTC from web
          1. @noirbatch I'm playing minecraft! what are you up to buddy~

            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:08:35 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina Fun! I am taking a break from homework and talking to @flaredancer ^.^

              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:09:28 UTC from web
        2. @cavatina I'm doing okay since i was back from my brony meetup group about 50 mins ago :3

          Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:09:07 UTC from web
          1. @lyokotravels Yay!!! @noirbatch @flaredancer Yay ^.^ and @snowswoop why sore because of fluttershy? XD :3

            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:26:24 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina Hello, there =^.^=

              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:28:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @flaredancer Hello hun ^.^ How is ya :3

                Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:33:19 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina I'm doing very well =^.^= How're you?

                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:38:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            2. @cavatina ^.^ How's Minecraft?

              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:29:08 UTC from web
              1. @noirbatch Is good :3

                Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:33:31 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina YA ^_^ What you doing in it? Create or Survival?

                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:34:23 UTC from web
                  1. @noirbatch Survival, i dont enjoy creative that much, i like building things but only if i've earnt everything :3

                    Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:35:26 UTC from web
                    1. @cavatina I use creative for prototyping things I want to build before I actually build them in survival.

                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:36:17 UTC from web
                      1. @toksyuryel Same here, only time i use Creative for long term stuff is for when i'm preparing the city on my minecraft server before the servers launch, it would be too impractical to mine everything needed since this will be on the server from day one.

                        Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:37:51 UTC from web
                        1. @cavatina I prefer those kind of cities to grow organically rather than existing from day one. Another great use of creative is redstone testing.

                          Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:39:30 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel But i didnt want the spawn area to be empty, since i'd have economy mods on it too it felt right to build up the city, because it wont be the only one. Plus ravaging the entire world just to build the centerpiece of the server before launch really isnt the best idea, it makes use of a lot of hard to find stuff.

                            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:40:52 UTC from web
                            1. @cavatina I'm saying that I prefer *at launch* the spawn area to be "empty" as in, just natural terrain that would be there. The players build the city up over time as they play ^^

                              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:41:58 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel ah, i know that. This is just the first though, you could even call it a tiny kingdom of sorts, cause its heavily inspired by the one i built for me and @gigaramnebula back in March 11, just more suited to more than 2 people XD. We will gladly promote other cities and towns :3

                                Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:44:27 UTC from web
                                1. @cavatina I like Mindcrack's design where the central town surrounds a nether hub that connects to each player's own home area.

                                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:46:12 UTC from web
                                  1. @toksyuryel Thats actually something we have planned for ours, but we are trying the jump bridge style of doing things first, also will probably make them one way, so to get back to spawn you may have to travel back, but we'd make sure the distance was humane xD

                                    Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:47:54 UTC from web
                                    1. @cavatina I probably won't be playing on this server :x

                                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:48:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @toksyuryel I actually do mean emeralds as the real currency. and hun, what you do is no concern of mine. But actually suggesting things to a server that wont launch for another 2 months is a lot more helpful than just saying "I probably wont be playing on this server". Cause thats akin to saying "That S*** sucks" and never actually saying what you dont like, what compromises you'd make, or what you'd do differently. I'm open to any suggestions other than "get rid of the spawn city", because thats my personal project and i wont be removing it. If you wish to change anything about it go ahead and suggest it, but please at least try and be helpful if you dont like it? XD

                                        Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:51:02 UTC from web
                                        1. @cavatina But I everything I was talking about was personal taste. I'm not saying "That sucks", I'm saying "That doesn't align with my own preferences".

                                          Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:56:15 UTC from web
                                          1. @toksyuryel Well, what would you change if i was to tweak bits to appeal to you then. Cause all this crap with the city, economy etc is 100% optional, the whole point of the server is something for everyone, and we may scrap the economy because me and Ramona can be lazy with stuff we are merely toying with...

                                            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:57:28 UTC from web
                                            1. @cavatina I would keep it as close to vanilla as possible. I don't like the idea of a gimped hub where you can travel out quickly but have to make the trek back slowly.

                                              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:58:49 UTC from web
                                              1. @toksyuryel The general idea is you'd have your home where the jump bridge takes you though, but i can see your reasoning. SO what is as close to vanilla then, cause thats as vague an answer as you can give, cause that could be seen as just run the vanilla server.

                                                Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:01:44 UTC from web
                                                1. @cavatina Mods are required to make a minecraft server manageable due to the lack of administration and other tools provided by vanilla minecraft. So you still need to be running bukkit. The ideal of what I'm talking about would be the Mindcrack server.

                                                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:03:42 UTC from web
                                            2. @cavatina But again that's just me; I'm probably not going to play on the server *regardless* of what you do so you should just do what you want to do. As long as the RDN server stays up that's going to be the one I play on.

                                              Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:00:45 UTC from web
                                              1. @toksyuryel okiedokie then~. I didnt even know there was one. This server is primarily for our Youtube work anyway, so viewers, friends and the like can come and play. Thats the reason we are preparing everything at least.

                                                Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:04:31 UTC from web
                                                1. @cavatina Didn't know there was one what?

                                                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:05:38 UTC from web
                                                  1. @toksyuryel a RDN server, i've literally heard nothing of it, even its mere existance as an idea xD

                                                    Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:06:03 UTC from web
                                                    1. @cavatina My bad, wrong url.

                                                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:06:54 UTC from web
                                                      1. @minti Is that a mushroom biome I see on that map? Mmmm ♥

                                                        Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:10:12 UTC from web
                                                        1. @toksyuryel Actually it's probably just a swamp.

                                                          Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:10:44 UTC from web
                                                    2. @cavatina

                                                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:07:13 UTC from web
                                                      1. @toksyuryel Oh, brand new. That'll be why. i thought you meant it'd been there for ages rather than a fledgeling server.

                                                        Monday, 04-Jun-12 08:09:07 UTC from web
                            2. Meh... I have to be in forest for couple more hours.... And it is raining.. :/

                              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:42:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          2. @toksyuryel Besides, the city will have a entirely blank district, for residences...i've planned this out too much xD. But that would link to the economy mods.

                            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:42:37 UTC from web
                            1. @cavatina I don't really like economy mods either so I guess that factors in

                              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:44:23 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel All the economy means is by paying 3 emeralds to us at any one time, you get a plot of land in a completely safe area, it wont even be heavily promoted. just one of those things that are there if people want them.

                                Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:46:44 UTC from web
                                1. @cavatina What will you do now that emeralds are a real currency item?

                                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:47:47 UTC from web
                    2. @cavatina yes!! That is the right way to play it :D

                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:36:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @largist :3

                        Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:37:57 UTC from web
                    3. @cavatina I love that too ^_^ Survival is way more rewarding :D

                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:36:54 UTC from web
        3. @cavatina I'm good, just a bit sore in my back, after Fluttershy hugging me :)

          Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:20:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @snowswoop But its fluttershy, must be worth it :3

            Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:33:04 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina Yes indeed \^_^/ she's a ninja-hugger :3

              Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:53:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @snowswoop what have happened to your name????

                Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:54:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @largist My sister told me I could change it ^_^

                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:56:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @snowswoop but why did you change it?

                    Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:57:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @largist Because my sister barely uses this account, so I did :3

                      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:59:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @cavatina Gooooooood morning! And good night for me! ^.^

      Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:52:02 UTC from web
    3. @cavatina morning

      Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:52:30 UTC from web
    4. @widget Being Flaxx would be pretty boss.

      Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:53:20 UTC from web
    5. @cavatina Good morning there! =^.^=

      Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:03:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @snowswoop hi!

        Monday, 04-Jun-12 07:23:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid